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"Bird in a Cage". After marriage, the tyrant begins to behave differently. Gradually, cruelty comes to the fore more and more, and tenderness and love fade into the background. But they don’t disappear completely. This is why women stay in relationships with a misogynist (misogynist) for a long time. Believing that this aggressive outburst is just a mistake, bad mood, fatigue....What signs appear? A skilled manipulator. The tyrant has his own plan to make his wife a slave who will obey and fulfill all his whims. To begin with, there will be flattery, persuasion, intimidation. He wants his wife to stay at home. Shows dissatisfaction with his wife’s work. While a woman works, she feels self-sufficient, which may not depend on her husband. Therefore, first of all, the misogynist assures his wife that he will provide for her and she does not need to worry about anything. When a woman starts staying at home, it is easier to manage her. It is different in every company. A misogynist needs people's trust. Therefore, he is often the favorite of any company. Thirst for power and control. The goal is complete subjugation of the victim. To avoid any disturbances at first, he asks her to write to him where she is and with whom she is. “Honey, write when you get home, I’m worried” seems sweet and caring. But, after some time, these words will sound differently: “I don’t understand, why were you 4 minutes late? Who were you with? Have you completely lost your fear?” This happens gradually, the woman considers it right. Doesn't compromise. For a tyrant, there is only one opinion - his. Even if his position makes no sense, he is still right. Never to blame. Every adult can admit their mistake. A tyrant does not admit his mistakes, even if he apologizes, do not take it at face value. This is his manipulation. Control over finances. It can reach the point of absurdity when he can begin to reproach his wife for buying personal hygiene items that are too expensive (in his opinion). Moreover, the tyrant tries to keep his income and expenses secret. Hiding the real situation from your wife. Shifting the blame onto you. Since their behavior is a reaction to some of your “wrong” words, “wrong” actions towards him. The goal is to sow a feeling of guilt in you. Constant reproaches and dissatisfaction on the part of the man. Ruthless criticism and looking for flaws, insults. They are especially characteristic of tyrants who are not prone to open intimidation and cruelty. They may not even raise their voices, but simply exhaust them with criticism, hiding behind an alleged desire to help their spouse. Thereby developing an inferiority complex in her. Depreciates what you do. You have achieved something valuable to yourself. A misogynist will not appreciate this. His answer will be: “Everyone can do that,” “What kind of bullshit is this?” The main thing for him is to lower your self-esteem. Gaslighting, or simply when they try to make a “fool” out of you, make you look inadequate, in various ways. For example, through denial of some fact or situation. The tyrant convinces his wife that what she is talking about did not happen. And over time, the wife gets the feeling that something is happening to her, that she is starting to have problems with her head. The second method is to attribute or change the situation, introducing convenient facts for oneself and insisting that this is exactly how it happened. Sexual relations. Sex with a misogynist gradually becomes mechanical. He can hurt you with his harsh statements, before sex, during or immediately after. They begin to blame their wife for their sexual problems. They say harsh phrases: “I’ve lost interest in you because you’re not like that in bed,” “I don’t want to have sex with you anymore,” “A prostitute is better in bed than you.”...Of course, over time, attraction can really decrease. Any other person will talk about this as tactfully as possible. But not a tyrant. His phrases fly out as if by the way. They can punish their partner with sex. He is convinced that he is the VICTIM. He just got a cold and ununderstanding wife. He can behave childishly and lie. Say that you have made all the necessary payments, and.