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From the author: Who is your colleague and how to find an approach to him. Change or accept yourself as you are? How often, when communicating with people, we notice the difference between us. Perception, speed of decision-making, or even just speed of movement are completely different. Sometimes such a difference touches, sometimes it irritates, and sometimes in our hearts we say that we are completely different in temperament. But what does this really mean? And we will try to figure out how you can use your strengths in communication in a team, build your activities, taking into account the “cons” of each type for successful interaction. Knowledge and taking into account the characteristics of temperament is an important condition for organizing joint activities in a team to ensure successful development enterprises. What is temperament? Temperament refers to the innate characteristics of a person that determine the dynamics of his mental processes. It is temperament that determines a person’s reactions to external circumstances. It largely shapes a person’s character, his individuality and is a kind of connecting link between the body and cognitive processes. There are four types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. The word temperament itself can be translated as “the proper ratio of parts.” Hippocrates believed that the type of temperament is determined by the predominance of one of the fluids in the body. If blood predominates in the body, then the person will be mobile, that is, have a sanguine temperament, yellow bile will make the person impulsive and hot - choleric, black bile - sad and fearful, that is, melancholic, and the predominance of lymph will give the person calm and slowness, making him phlegmatic. The statement about the direct dependence of temperament on the fluid in our body looks naive from a modern scientific point of view, but the ancient Greeks very accurately noted the characteristic types of people by their reactions to what was happening around them. We propose to understand the types of human temperaments and determine their pros and cons. Characteristics of temperaments Sanguine temperament People of this type easily adapt to a new environment and quickly respond to what attracts their attention. They control their emotions well and willingly take on new things. Representatives of this type of temperament are subject to frequent mood changes, but their characteristic state is a state of cheerfulness. Is it possible to determine that a particular person is sanguine? Yes, there are traits inherent only to them, by which you can always distinguish sanguine people from the society around you. As a rule, people with this type of temperament have a smooth and confident gait, their movements are light and fast. Sanguine people are easily distinguished by their good posture and expressive gestures. Facial expressions and gestures are rich and natural, and speech is loud and distinct. One disadvantage of sanguine temperament is that people of this type are quickly distracted from business or emotions if external stimuli do not change for a long time. As soon as the novelty of sensations wears off, sanguine people become lethargic and indifferent. If your colleague is a sanguine person, then remember that his decisions are often rash. His activities are most effective when he is busy with new interesting projects that keep him in suspense. Do not forget that the duality of this temperament requires control over the progress of work. "Trust but check!" - this is the principle of approach to a sanguine person. Choleric temperament Cholerics are easily excitable and unbalanced, it is difficult to switch their attention. They are very mobile, even to the point of excessiveness, their feelings are strong and manifest themselves vividly. They take on new tasks with great ardor and devote themselves completely to them, but at the same time, an inadequate assessment of their strengths leads to a sharp decline in activity. The disadvantages of this type of temperament lie precisely in imbalance, which causes outbreaks of harshness, irritability, and exhaustion of strength. Characteristic features also exist in.