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Career changes are a big and serious step at any age. If other family members depend on your income, then deciding on it is even more difficult. It is completely normal to feel apprehensive in such a situation. She told the Rusability portal about how to stop being afraid and set yourself up for success🔸Mistakes when looking for something new When thoroughly studying a topic, two popular misconceptions are often encountered: 1. “Don’t think about the bad, visualize only the good! Think positively!” This approach will not help cope with fear, because you know that there really is a danger of failure. Therefore, deceiving yourself by fantasizing about an unlikely happy ending is a counterproductive strategy.2. “Go into your fear!” This advice suggests throwing yourself into the abyss and that you have the strength to overcome resistance. This is also not a very good option, since you can avoid the risk and get by with much smaller losses. ⤵🔸The benefits of fear In fact, radical life changes always cause anxiety, and this is a completely adequate reaction! Fear is one of the basic emotions and the basis of the instinct of self-preservation. Without this limitation it is difficult to avoid. Would you like to be the passenger of an inexperienced driver who is not afraid of anything despite his lack of skills? Maybe you could trust the surgeon if you see that he does not wash his hands because he “stepped into his fear and conquered it”? Would you give your children to a teacher who allows them to play fearlessly by the side of the road because he is a positive thinker? Of course, your answer to all three is “no.” So in some situations, fear is necessary and even useful. Fears when changing profession Of course, with such serious changes, stress, self-doubt and moments of weakness are inevitable. What most often frightens you when moving to another professional field? Fear of starting from scratch. Of course, any change requires a lot of work and maximum concentration of available resources. However, it's not all bad. Past experience in work communication, useful contacts in the right industry, and the opportunity to practice under the guidance of professionals will help you. Dependence on the opinions of others The judgment and fears of relatives often influence a person’s choice. Professional decisions are a personal matter for everyone. Along with critics, there will definitely be those who will support your new course. Fear of material problems. Proper planning of each stage, having a part-time job, and a gradual change of occupation will help here. If everything is done correctly, your financial affairs will be in order even during the transition to another job. Find a middle ground: think, analyze, do What’s next? Act! But thoughtfully.1. Ask yourself why you are going to change your profession. Exactly “for what?”, and not “why?”. The answer will help you understand to what extent your desire is dictated by the needs of life. If you realize that you are taking such a risky step in order to prove something to someone, to grab onto the passing youth, to force others to respect you or to be like everyone else, then you should think about your decision again.2. Get a realistic picture of working in your new profession. Read the forums, talk to those who are already working in this field, ask them about the non-obvious pros and cons. The less you like your current activity, the more inclined you will be to idealize the future. However, everything has its own nuances. For example, many people imagine freelancing work like this: constant travel, two minutes of work on a laptop on the beach, business class flights and getting up whenever you want. But there is no such life in any remote profession! But endless working hours, lack of full-fledged vacation, readiness to drop everything at any time and resolve urgent issues, monitoring of amendments to legislation and independent tax responsibility - there are.3. Study the potential path of development: where is the best place to study, what skills will be needed, how long will it take you to earn a decent living without being considered a beginner.4. Create a financial cushion».