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How to cure panic attacks? To say goodbye to panic attacks forever, it will not be enough to be treated with medication, even if the doctor has prescribed certain medications for you. Medicines can stop attacks for a while. Don’t take pills that destroy the liver and harm the body for life. This requires a serious integrated approach, a competent specialist and high-quality psychotherapy. Why can’t panic attacks be cured with medication? Panic attacks are not a cold or gastritis, but a sign of neurosis, i.e. has psychological causes. During a panic attack, 3 factors are involved at once: The body - and, as a result, all the physical symptoms of a panic attack, such as heartbeat, sweating, muscle tension, etc. Consciousness - an inadequate assessment of reality, as “danger and threat” "feeling of anxiety and excitement. Behavior - an uncontrollable desire to hide, run away, take refuge from an imaginary danger. The action of various tranquilizers helps relieve anxiety and vegetative manifestations, normalize sleep and appetite. But you need to understand that the effect of the tablets has a temporary effect, since they do not cure, but only remove the symptoms. As a result, the time to start treatment is delayed. Always remember that a recently begun neurosis is much easier to cure than a protracted one. Over time, an old neurosis can take the form of neurotic development, when complete social isolation and maladaptation occurs. The patient sits at home for years, the accumulated and ingrained secondary benefits from this disease do not give him the opportunity to cure, because his personality changes and is deformed and, as a result, his behavior. What treatment really helps? When compared with other treatment methods, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy more short term. It takes the form of an active dialogue between the psychologist and the patient. The most important thing is that this is a method of treatment in which there is an active search for the problem and its correction. CBT is aimed at a specific result - to save a person from panic attacks and return him to a full life. After these diseases are not confirmed, you need to immediately, without delay, go to a psychologist, since such panic attacks can only be treated with psychotherapy, because the reason is psychological. The gold standard in the treatment of panic attacks, depression, phobias, anxiety and other mental disorders is cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). It has a solid evidence base not only here in Russia, but also in other developed countries. What does cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy do? Helps rethink the way of life and put it in order, for example, eliminate chronic physical and mental overload, normalize the organization of work and rest , eliminate, if possible, all provoking factors, etc. Helps to cope with oneself and with shame for one’s condition. The patient no longer has to hide his problems from his family, but on the contrary, he receives all possible support and gratefully accepts the help of loved ones. Teaches how to maintain the positive results obtained for a long time and not to lose the experience gained in the future, that is, not to ignore, but to counteract future negative situations , be able to cope with depressive and anxiety states. Identifies destructive attitudes that cause panic attacks, fears, depression and other psychological disorders; CBT is aimed at a specific result - to save a person from panic attacks and return him to a full life. The essence of treatment is not to eliminate symptoms of panic attacks, they cannot be eliminated, as many people mistakenly believe. Fighting a symptom is the main mistake in treatment; the symptom must be understood and analyzed, and it will go away on its own, since there will be no place left for it. The essence of treatment is to study the causes and mechanisms of neurosis, the characteristics of your personality, destructive attitudes and methods of response. For example, people with panic attacks tend to suppress their own!