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Continuing the topic of codependent relationships, I would like to raise the topic of meeting your needs. When a person is in a codependent relationship, he controls his partner, because through him he satisfies his needs, and after leaving this relationship, everyone is left alone with himself. The fastest way to drive yourself crazy is to get involved and take control of the life of another person, and the fastest way to become a mentally healthy and happy person is to take care of your own life. Not each of us is ready to face this truth. This can cause fear and confusion about what to do next, what strategy to choose so as not to go crazy. It is at this moment that you should distance yourself from other people and take responsibility for your life into your own hands, understand that “I am and that is enough.” No one knows what is best for us and it is an illusion to hold on to other people, trying to control their emotions - we expect that they will bring us this satisfaction and inner peace. Only each of us knows how he can get satisfaction in a healthy way. And when you are at the beginning of the journey of understanding yourself and your needs, this may seem unusual for you and your family, because you have not previously spoken to yourself, because you believed that it was impossible to talk about them and that it was not important. An important part of self-care is talking and asking other people for what we need. By learning to take care of ourselves and meet our needs, we forgive ourselves when we make mistakes and thank ourselves for taking new steps. Self-care is an attitude towards yourself and your life that says: I am responsible for myself. It is possible and never too late to learn how to take care of and satisfy your needs. The main thing is the internal response and understanding that there is a need and desire for this. This can be done by unraveling your feelings, transforming old strategies into new, healthier and more effective ones, without devaluing and spreading rot on yourself. And how to do it? I invite you to a consultation, together we will draw up a plan for getting out of a codependent attitude towards the ability to build healthy relationships with yourself and with your partner. Sign up for a psychological consultation using the link ➔ Sign up __________________________________________________________________Your psychologist, Larisa DegtyarPhone - +7(926) 782-13-57My telegram channel https://t.me/degtyar_psy