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From the author: What must be observed to raise a child. In the modern world, all parents project the upbringing of their children by looking at their past childhood, how they were raised. Naturally, upbringing is individual for each child. The key upbringing of a child takes place until the age of 6-7 years. And then, all parents reap the benefits of this upbringing, because it is not possible to put anything into the child’s head after this age. Unfortunately it is so. Let's focus on the mistakes in raising children that most parents make. Of course, each case is individual. But, nevertheless, there are some basic points in the approach to education that are universal for every child. In order for your baby to grow up in love, harmony and in a cozy atmosphere, you must adhere to some rules in his upbringing. 1. The child must be raised in an atmosphere love and peace. If you are stressed, then this should not be reflected in any way on the baby. He is not responsible for your reaction. 2. You should take responsibility for your own behavior. This is necessary so that you can correctly respond to the child’s behavior. 3. Monitor your behavior so that you can analyze how undesirable results appear in raising your child. 4. Try to completely find your peace of mind. If you want to raise a peaceful and affectionate baby, you need to monitor your diet, the nutrition must be correct, and expose your body to constant physical activity. Also, in order to maintain a good emotional state, you should meditate or simply relax. You must behave confidently and calmly. 5. In response to your child's behavior, you can respond very aggressively. 6. To prevent this from happening, try not to rush into making decisions. Let your emotions cool down and only then make a decision. The more you rush, the more likely you are to drive yourself crazy. 7. Never pressure your children to make decisions or follow your requests. Undoubtedly, you will not particularly like the fact that children respond to your demands very slowly, or do not respond at all. But if you put pressure on them and push them, the result will not please you at all. 8. Remember that your emotional state is greatly reflected in the state of your child. A child who is in a calm state behaves much better than a child who is constantly stressed. So, in order for your child to be calm, behave accordingly with him. 9. When you take care of your relationship with your child, at the same time you must take care of yourself. 10. In order to teach your baby to control and be responsible for his actions, First of all, you must control yourself. 11.You must have well-developed self-control. Self-control in all situations begins with whether you control your reactions. Remember that if a child provokes you, he or she is in control of the situation at that moment. 12. Watch the words you say to your child. If you tell him such phrases: “You make me angry,” “I’m nervous because of you,” then in this way you allow the child to control the situation and provoke your behavior. The baby in your life was sent from above, and the time has come to improve yourself .13.Never lose your balance and patience, no matter how your child behaves. In this way, you maintain your power over him. 14. Raising a child requires love and wisdom. You must deal with all problems in a peaceful, calm way. 15. You will come to peace gradually. On the path to peacefully managing the situation, be content with the smallest steps. You will waste your time losing your temper. 16. Being angry with your child shows him that you cannot properly handle the situation that is happening. Thus, you show your child disrespect for yourself.17.In order to.