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Recently, cases of Internet addiction have become more and more frequent, both among adults and among children. Parents of schoolchildren and even preschoolers began to address this topic especially often. From practice, I can say that in the Orenburg region the frequency of requests has become higher, and Internet addiction is noticeably younger. Children really pick things up on the fly. They interact with technology as if they had been studying it for many years. And all this, at first, feeds the pride of parents. However, there comes a moment when the child no longer wants to communicate, do something, or even go for a walk. It is then that an alarming moment arises associated with the question: “What is happening to my child?” First of all, the topic of Internet addiction manifests itself in communication. Often virtual communication excludes real interaction with other people, speech and mental activity suffers, and bodily needs are not satisfied. The Internet is an addiction; children are more susceptible. And if adults who become dependent already have certain tendencies or difficulties in overcoming obstacles in meeting social needs, then children may initially have no problems in this regard. However, later, they may choose just such a lifestyle - virtual. Due to their age and unformed children's psyche, children quickly fall into the traps of the Internet. Especially when it’s some kind of interesting online game. Internal control decreases very quickly online and even adults find it difficult to cope with it. Time passes quickly and unnoticed. Moreover, if we consider the developers of virtual games from a professional point of view, I can say that almost all games are aimed at the psychological aspect of perception and, on an unconscious level, are perceived by a person as satisfying unrealized needs. For example, a child in a class does not feel at all like a leader, but he there is an inner need to be the center of attention. In real life, he may not be able to do this, but in a fantasy world he can be some kind of hero who receives prizes, saves the weak, etc. The child turns out to be so unfree and dependent on the Internet that “cyber addiction” ” gradually narrows his thinking and the format of interaction with living people. And then in the virtual world, needs or unfulfilled desires are satisfied. And to do this you only need to press buttons and nothing else! With teenagers, the matter is much more serious: it is during adolescence that all complexes and difficulties manifest themselves much more clearly. And the lack of communication, for example, in the family or among peers, can easily be replaced by online communication. Teenagers can join various types of groups and write about what worries them in reality, share and receive some answers to their internal problems. Due to a lack of closeness in the family or as a result of broken relationships, the child feels loneliness and emptiness. Then there is a need to fill it with something else, for example virtual communication. And if we talk about the deep sources of addiction in general, then we can definitely say that addiction is formed in deep childhood and is often associated with an interrupted movement of love for the mother. B. Hellinger writes about this in his book “Orders of Love.” It would be good if parents clearly controlled the time their child spent on the Internet and social networks. We were more attentive to what was happening with the child, talked through it, found common topics and interests, communicated more closely within the family, in real time. Because it is not easy to build psychological work with Internet addicts: not only aspects related to Internet addiction are worked on, but also work with social fears, reduced motivation, the habit of putting off important things, and avoidance of real contacts. And the younger