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From the author: Illness, what is it, where does it come from, and most importantly, why and why do we get sick? Studying the consciousness and subconscious of a person, I came to the conclusion that people communicate with the environment reality, at least on two levels: conscious and subconscious. And each of us consciously deals not directly with the WORLD, but with some model of the WORLD. While the subconscious perceives Reality as it is. Our subconscious mind is a great illusionist, which, according to the appropriate rules, builds a great illusion in front of us. He creates our world more precisely - a little world, protects us from the chaos of the Universe, selecting for our perception only what he considers necessary and safe. But, performing creative and protective functions, he involuntarily turned into a jailer for many. After all, it is our mind that does not allow us to go beyond the boundaries of the created world. He constantly comes up with different tricks, often using fear to convince us that the illusion he presents to us is REALITY itself. In other words, each person lives in his own world and creates his own unique world. Each of us, from birth, under the influence of parents, adults, teachers, and the environment, constructs our own reality, our own world. If you have children, then remember how you imposed your description of the world on them, explained to them what is bad and what is good, what can be done and what cannot be done. Grandparents, teachers and other adults did the same with them. As a result, your child formed his own DESCRIPTION OF THE WORLD, which is in some ways similar and in some ways different from yours. And your parents did the same to you. And all people are involved in this process. And it cannot be said whether it is good or bad that from childhood we were taught to perceive REALITY in some special, “human” way. This process is simply necessary due to the fact that by being involved in it, we feel calmer. But we are so carried away by this activity that we forget one obvious truth: there is a huge difference between REALITY itself and our world. Since childhood, we have been creating a model of the WORLD, a model of REALITY, in which we live all our lives, trying to somehow improve this model. And there are no bad or good models. The question is how viable and useful the model is. On the one hand, our model helps us to enjoy all the benefits that human civilization has accumulated over many centuries, and on the other hand, it creates limitations, strengthening our belief that our far from perfect model is Reality itself. And this self-deception takes us far from REALITY and gives rise to a state of dissatisfaction. There is one paradox: after all, we really live in REALITY and subconsciously perceive it as it is - as something beautiful, incomprehensible, unknowable, but we are aware of only a model of this Reality, on the creation of which we spend all our life and energy. There are many ways to show this. But first, let's make some conclusions. So: 1) the Universe (Reality, Reality, God, World) is an incomprehensible force, energy with awareness; 2) human awareness is just a part of the Universal, Divine awareness; 3) the world is incomprehensible and mysterious, and a person must treat the world and himself as a mystery; 4) our subconscious mind creates a model of the world in which our consciousness lives. In other words, our consciousness is in the role of observer and evaluator of those events that our subconscious mind provides us. The world is a mystery. And what you see in front of you at the moment is not all that is here. There is so much more in the world... It is truly infinite at every point. Therefore, attempts to clarify something for oneself are in fact just attempts to make some aspect of the world something familiar, habitual. You and I are here, in the world that you call real, only because we both know it. You do not know the world of power, and therefore are not able to turn it into a familiar one.picture.K. Castaneda. Journey to IxtlanThe basic law of life is maintaining dynamic balance, or homeostasis. And every living organism, in accordance with the internal law of life, strives for homeostasis. This law operates from the first days of life of any living creature. This balance of life processes must be carried out constantly and in any conditions. A living organism is exposed to the external influence of Reality, Existence. And he responds to this influence (this, in fact, distinguishes the living from the dead). A healthy body is an organism in which there is harmony or dynamic balance. Of course, it is not so easy to maintain harmony in modern living conditions. Disease is a signal of imbalance. Nerve endings let us know that something is going wrong in a certain place in our body. Pain is just a healthy nervous reaction that wants to tell us: “Hey, honey, there is something you should pay attention to.” And if a person does not pay due attention or numbs the pain with pills, then the person’s subconscious will make the pain stronger. Indeed, in this way, with the help of a signal such as pain, the subconscious mind shows its concern for us and pursues a certain positive goal - to tell us that something is wrong. Therefore, treat your illness with respect. In general, before you begin healing, change your attitude towards the illness. Never treat illness as something bad, even if the illness is fatal. Do not forget that this disease was created by your subconscious mind, which always and everywhere takes care of you. This means there were good reasons for this. Do not rush to scold your body and your illness. Stop fighting the disease. On the contrary, thank God, your subconscious mind for this illness. Thank the disease itself. Even if it sounds strange, do it. Modern orthodox medicine does not cure people precisely because it fights the disease. That is, she seeks to suppress it or eliminate the consequences. And the reasons remain deep in the subconscious and continue their destructive effect. The following picture emerges: the subconscious creates a disease as a signal to our conscious mind, that is, it tries to tell us certain information in its language, and we go to the doctor and drown out this signal with pills. It turns out that we are fighting with ourselves, and even choosing stronger and more expensive means for this fight. Absurd?! The doctor’s task is not to interfere with the body and not to suppress its reactions, but to help the “inner doctor”. A thinking doctor will intensify self-healing. Think about it - self-healing. Your body itself strives for balance. You just need to help him with this. So why don't you be in the role of this assistant. Each of us has our own “inner doctor.” In our culture, it is customary to view illness as evil, as something beyond our control, and to look for the causes of its occurrence somewhere outside. This makes it possible to take a very comfortable position: “I am not responsible for my illnesses. Let the doctors solve the problem.” Well, if a person does not want to take responsibility for his illnesses, then they become incurable or transform into one another. Then such a person begins to blame circumstances, bad weather, relatives, people in general, work, doctors. And this is instead of turning inside and helping yourself. Now let's look at the attitude towards the disease and the patient from the point of view of modern medicine. Doctors first make a diagnosis, that is, they give the disease a name and label. And then they help suppress the disease with drugs. Of course, they alleviate suffering, but the cause remains unresolved, and the disease takes on a chronic form or passes from one organ to another. That is, doctors give the patient a kind of crutches, which are medications, and teach them to live with them. Modern medicine is a theater of the absurd! The function of a doctor is to fit a person to a certain template-diagnosis, and then give him the corresponding template.