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Dear friends, I want to share with you a story that happened to me quite recently. This case shows how important it is to choose the right nutrition system. At the weight loss training, we discussed the experience of losing weight. One participant, an adult woman, Valentina Ivanovna, asked how old I was? I replied that I was 29 years old and would soon be celebrating my anniversary. The next remark amused everyone: “Andrey Alekseevich, I started losing weight when you were not yet in the project I have a lot of experience losing weight. Would you like me to tell you? I’ve tried all sorts of diets over the last thirty years. When I was young, I ran around with the girls, I had a lot of things to do, I forgot to eat, so here’s the diet for you. I started eating buckwheat. It was fashionable to go hungry. I also tried kefir and apples. Every time I lost weight, and then I gained weight and brought prisoners. I also liked to drink according to Baikalov. Well, honestly, I’m telling you everything. From the last one, the Dolina diet and the Japanese one, you probably know.” I answered that I know. She continued: “There was a lot of things, you won’t even remember now.” Valentina Ivanovna told her story cheerfully and with enthusiasm. She smiled when she talked about diets, where she found them, how they began and ended. But after the last phrase, her face changed and she almost cried. The room became very quiet, the kind of silence that happens when a person wants to say something very important and even intimate. She looked at me, then around and continued: “I’m thirty I’ve been losing weight for years, but I’m the fattest girl in the gym. I no longer have the strength to fight the weight, I’m ashamed to look at myself, why am I so spineless, I hate myself! After the last phrase, Valentina Ivanovna began to cry. I stood and was silent... I didn’t know, what can I say... An adult woman, whose son I am old enough to be, cried from resentment, from powerlessness, from the bitterness of failure... I really wanted to help her, but words were unnecessary then... I went up and hugged her... In order not to bring yourself to a state of despair, it is important to carefully choose a method of losing weight. There are diets that are harmful to health and only make things worse. There are nutritional systems that can really help you lose weight and improve your health. How to choose? It’s worth choosing the right method of losing weight. ask yourself one question? It sounds like this: “Will I be able to adhere to the recommendations for the rest of my life?” If the answer is yes. Go ahead, don't waste your time!!! Have a nice continuation of the day, Andrey Nikiforov, nutritionist...