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I’ll say right away - it’s difficult, and not fast, it’s a constant movement. It won’t work out like this: you get something, sit comfortably on a bag of achievements and sit back and rest on your laurels. It’s tempting and pleasant, isn’t it? So, what you need to learn: Perceive the world as it is, with its pros and cons, without painting the picture as a plus or a minus. Impartially! This is the only way to learn to distinguish between falsehood and lies, not to experience false hopes and expectations, and not to worry about trifles that are elevated to the status of significant events. How easy it will become for you to breathe! Learn to tell yourself: I like this, but I don’t like that. Regardless of what the people around you think about this topic, that from their point of view this is not right. That's right, as you think! Excessive feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, hyper-criticism towards your shortcomings and weaknesses will disappear from the heavy backpack that you carry behind your back. Learn to be honest with yourself. Do not shift your own guilt onto others, do not look for excuses for what you have done, for your thoughts (they may be different, and this is normal!). You will not be good to everyone, and this is a useless aspiration. Remember this! Down with “show off”! And to do this, you need to learn to distinguish your judgments from others, to sensibly assess your needs. Exactly your own, and not those around you near and far! Discover the potential of your capabilities. Find something that truly brings satisfaction. Get out of dependent and codependent relationships. Get away from the norm so beloved by people - using each other. This will in no way emphasize your importance and will not get rid of loneliness. Learn to enjoy. Restore your childhood ability to surprise. Without any doping, which is sometimes required by an adult. Gain the ability to enjoy the process of achieving what you want. Monitor and recognize your defense mechanisms that stand in the way of your development. This is long and painstaking work and not everyone will decide to do it. It can only be inspired by the internal realization that you are not just making a sightseeing tour of our planet, but want to find your way, realize your talents. You will not become an angel, don’t hope)) You will remain an ordinary person. Sometimes stubborn, sometimes irritable, sometimes depressed...sometimes you will doubt yourself...And that's okay. But you will be free in your manifestations! Being and not appearing is a big difference. And satisfaction with life is a reward. Do you agree? We can discuss your path to yourself in more detail during a personal consultation.