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Greetings friends! Together with Litres, he published a short philosophical essay about the questions that we all ask ourselves at different periods of our lives: where does a person come into the world? What is love? What is the meaning of our existence? I would like to share a fragment from the chapter on feelings._________________________________For a very long time, people believed that the only way of thinking is the internal dialogue that each of us conducts with ourselves, in our heads. But then what about those who have never heard human speech? Research in this area suggests that the lack of audio information and the inability to share it by voice leads to the enormous importance of teaching such people a special language (Braille alphabet, sign language). Otherwise, the formation of the psyche will be extremely slow or completely impossible (Bogdanova T.G. “Study of the thinking of people with hearing impairments: problems and prospects” News of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University 2009). What does this mean for the born child? He is dependent on the functioning of his sensory system in a simply critical way. If sensors do not transmit a sufficient amount of information about the world, either interaction with their own kind is not formed (hearing, speech, touch), or the world itself is not formed (touch, vision, hearing, smell). In the end, we are what we feel. However, having made such a conclusion, we immediately get a paradox - in the previous chapter we settled on the idea that a baby at the beginning of life is to a greater extent what he feels. An emotion is closer to a thought than a body signal. However, thought does not arise if there are no signals. How to be? Let us remember that before birth the sensory system is not able to help the child learn anything about the external environment. However, he sleeps, the brain enters the REM sleep phase already at 28 weeks, and this tells us that something is happening in his inner world. He is already able to move his limbs, but this is an extremely small amount of information, in addition, he already hears sounds outside his refuge. In general, we can assume, and many will agree with us, that this is quite enough for vivid REM dreams. Considering that thinking is not developed and the sensors are working, the activity of the brain will be primitive, but it is quite suitable for answering the question posed. So we are initially formed as a product of the external environment, we are essentially a debugged signal. But then what is reflected from? With the discovery of ultrasound, world medicine got the opportunity to see the fetus in different stages of development and problems began. Biologists and psychologists once again received food for battles for the title of true knowledge. The fact is that small children, being in the womb of their mother, are able to depict a lot of emotions on their faces. These are smiles and offended grimaces, and indifferent detachment. This seemed like a standard answer from biologists, but we will continue to study the question and find out that when the mother is stressed, the fetus will also speed up its heartbeat. This effect of hormones will answer us again. It seems materialism is winning again. But unexpectedly, prenatal psychology appears on the scene. In the twentieth century, after violent scandals and prohibitions of classical psychoanalysis, an army of psychoanalysts still managed to disassemble the inner world of the Puritan man in the street, closed by a hundred complexes, and get closer to the experiences of childhood. It was finally necessary to move into the new millennium and it became possible to talk about the results of research almost openly in the scientific community, and not just among colleagues. Professor Brekhman from the University of Haifa in Israel asks the same question regarding the emotionality of the fetus and shares a review of psychoanalytic material on this subject (Brechman G.I. “Zhinochy Likar” 2011 No. 2 pp. 10-15). It turns out that dozens of specialists have long had a lot of evidence of the presence of material that has nothing to do with the life of clients after birth; on the contrary, the root of their problems lies in the area of ​​abstract experiences, which are generally technically impossible to translate into the area of ​​consciousness, because consciousness itself did not yet exist at the time of their appearance (in in the sense familiar to adults).If8869178