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The longer we are in a confined space, the more irritability accumulates. Then conflicts begin, and all types that are known: obvious hidden, interpersonal and intrapersonal.. Here are some recommendations for relieving tension: 📌1. Alternate channels of perception (auditory, visual, kinesthetic). Statics increases fatigue and irritability. The same stereotypical actions. If you constantly watch movies or just read, you will soon get bored and lose interest. Change activity programs by alternating channels of perception. For example, first a book (visual), then a film (auditory, visual), then modeling from plasticine/cooking, etc. (kinesthetic). There must be motor activity (mobile). Do exercises, take a dance lesson, play an outdoor game, etc. Our psyche is designed in such a way that it needs novelty. This is one of the basic needs through which a person develops. The brain gets less tired when different areas of the cerebral cortex are involved. Switchability allows you to relieve physical and mental stress 🌼🌼🌼CHILDREN need more time to integrate into another activity program. Therefore, if you sit down for lessons, and before that you were actively running, then the child needs time for the inhibition processes to curb excitement and to adjust to another type of activity. To do this, you can have a clock (regular, sand clock) on hand and warn the child about how much time he still has before changing activities. 📌2. Reduce the load on the same sensory system. Irritability increases and performance decreases when several stimuli simultaneously affect the same channel of perception. For example, if a child asks for help with a problem, and at the same time the husband asks where to look for towels. Yes, even if you are not turned on, but something is happening in the background at the same time: they are talking, running, asking to solve a problem, etc., then the sensory systems cannot stand it and you want to run away as quickly as possible. If space allows, then distributing everyone to their places will help, but if not, then setting everyone up for activities that do not interfere with each other (one writes, another listens with headphones or quietly, the third does exercises silently, then we all play and move) .📌3. Combine automated and conscious actions in your work. For example, you are listening to an educational program (conscious) and knitting (automatic)/cooking dinner (motor action). At the same time, taking into account point 2. This activates the nervous system.🌼🌼🌼CHILDREN. Your presence is important for the child, so inclusion is necessary. 30 minutes of intense and involved play together, hugs and communication is better than a childish riot because you are not nearby. After that, he will honestly get enough of you and continue his studies without you. The child understands and feels perfectly well when you are not included in the process and are not in contact with him. Because of this, you will have double exhaustion: I am not with the child, and I am not doing anything. A spontaneous reaction to a child’s cry does not lead to anything except that the child reinforces the cry in order to get his way. If dad is still in the room, then there is no need to break down and run to check what happened. Explain to your child that there is a time when mom and dad rest/work, when we spend time together. With small children, you still need visual reinforcement: a daily routine on the wall in the form of a poster, a clock (hourglass, with an arrow), as well as warnings that we will soon switch to another activity and you have 10 minutes to complete.🌞🌞🌞Good day!