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Working with the fears of pregnant women, more and more often, new fears are added to the existing ones - will I gain weight after childbirth? What will happen to my figure? More often, pregnant women worry about how they will be able to give birth to a healthy baby and remain as attractive. Examples of acquaintances and friends are given that confirm all fears. And I immediately want to say to such young ladies: “No amount of preserving your figure can replace the happiness of having a baby!” But, nevertheless, this does not mean that while waiting for the baby you need to stuff everything into your mouth at any time of the day, flattering yourself with the thought that For the formation of a child, everything will do. And, of course, there are ways to eat during pregnancy without harming your figure. Let's first figure out where the kilograms come from during pregnancy? Of course, during pregnancy, weight is gained partly due to the hormonal levels specific to this condition. But the fact is that this weight is insignificant - 2-3 kg, no more. And some women don’t even recruit them. The rest of the gained weight (about ten kg) is the weight of the child, placenta, amniotic fluid, and uterus, which has grown to a size capable of containing all of the above. In addition, a pregnant woman’s blood volume increases by almost one and a half liters. It turns out that while carrying a child, a woman can gain no more than 12-15 kg (depending on the woman’s constitution). The most reasonable way to preserve your own health, as well as the health of your child, is to rely on the recommendations of the doctor who is monitoring you. Contrary to popular belief, pregnancy is not a reason to say goodbye to a slim figure. There are women who gain no more than 10 kg during pregnancy, and a few months after giving birth they become lighter than before the period of expecting a child. All this thanks to reasonable nutrition and physical activity. Balanced diet. It's not all that complicated. Eliminate salted and smoked foods from your menu. And also cut down on sweets. Your diet should be enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits. It is important to ensure regular bowel movements. You should enrich your menu with products containing plant fibers and stimulating intestinal motility. Don't exclude meat from your diet. You can eat any lean meat. This is important for maintaining normal hemoglobin in the mother's blood. And, consequently, the child’s normal supply of oxygen. A pregnant woman's diet must include fish. Fermented milk products will provide the baby with the necessary calcium, and will serve as an excellent means for the mother to prevent dysbiosis. Chocolate, pastries and other sweets should remain dessert, and in no case the main food. In theory, this is all simple, but in life it often turns out that a bun with butter and jam is more attractive to the expectant mother than oatmeal with fresh fruit. It is important to understand that excess food calories will not benefit either the baby or the mother. And you don’t need to listen to the recommendations of “virtues” that you need to eat FOR two. Eating is important for two! Food should be tasty, light and varied. You can, for example, start your day with porridge flavored with honey. It's healthy and low-calorie. And on top of everything else, it helps with heartburn. After a couple of hours - some fruit or kefir. For lunch - light soup or salad with butter, fish. Cottage cheese in the evening, kefir at night. Diets for an expectant mother are undesirable. And the standard recommendations for women who gain excess weight well “on kefir and apples”, to put it mildly, are not useful. The diet can be used no more than once a week, under the supervision of a doctor. Fasting diets are most often recommended for complications of pregnancy and late toxicosis. This could be an apple, cottage cheese or watermelon diet. But remember that such diets are inferior in energy and chemical composition. Drinking. Good quality still water helps women get rid of nausea. Just as it is impossible to wash the floor without water, it is also impossible to cleanse the body of toxins.