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Why do people cheat? There can be many reasons. These are basically the unmet needs of the person who is cheating. These can be sexual, emotional, and even material needs. It is important to understand your partner's needs in a relationship and talk about them. Otherwise, you can live in confidence that everything is fine, and then suddenly discover that your partner is cheating because some of his/her needs were not met. Another reason for cheating is the lack of fidelity among a person’s values. A person may think that being faithful is not important, or it is important, but there is something that is more important. In addition, betrayal often happens due to mistakes on the ball, especially when under the influence of alcohol or another set of circumstances. Not all people are ready and not all people want to resist these momentary instinctive urges. Who cheats more often - men or women? According to statistics, men cheat more often, although recently women are not much behind men. Society changes - values ​​change. Now there is a tendency to move from creative activity to consumption. Relationships, family and love are something that needs to be created and efforts made to preserve and develop. And short novels are an opportunity to consume new and new emotions. In a word, the consumer economy is reflected in the relationships between men and women. Are there faithful spouses? Why? Of course there is. And this is again a question of values ​​and life priorities. And also, of course, the initially competent choice of a partner at the very beginning of the relationship. If partners are poorly compatible and cannot satisfy each other's needs, then the risk of cheating increases. At what age do people cheat most often? Most often at a young age. This is primarily due to a hormonal surge in youth, as well as the fact that young people are looking for themselves, want to know the world and people. Youthful maximalism pushes people to explore relationships; they want to know everything. And as they say, if you don’t try, you won’t know. So young people are trying different forms of relationships with different partners. The phrase “resort romance” has been known since Soviet times. Has this concept somehow transformed since then? I don’t think anything has changed. The atmosphere of the resorts is conducive to the desire to receive a charge of new strong positive emotions. Sex and short-term relationships without commitment make it easy to get this sexual and emotional release. Is it possible for spouses to spend their holidays separately? There are no universal recommendations here. In some families, spouses merge too much with each other, and the personal space of the spouses is lost. Then a separate vacation is a great opportunity to be alone, to feel yourself, to increase a little distance in the relationship so that there is no complete merger and absorption in the family. In other families, on the contrary, there is a lack of closeness. For them, a joint vacation is an opportunity to get closer and renew feelings dulled by the routine of work and everyday life. What risks await those men and women who are going to start a holiday romance? The risks are the same as with any other affair - family destruction, guilt, illegitimate children, and contracting sexually transmitted infections. In addition, a holiday romance may also carry other risks, which are associated with the fact that during a vacation a person usually behaves differently than in ordinary life. Therefore, the risk of making a mistake about a person increases, falling in love with an idealistic image, covered in the romance of the resort. And then broken hearts and unmet expectations. In addition, you need to understand that a resort is a place where a variety of scammers are attracted, who can take advantage of the need of a vacationing person to seek sensual and sexual pleasures during vacation. By what signs can a man find out that his wife has had an affair while on vacation? novel? A woman is most often betrayed by a feeling of guilt in her eyes and an unconscious need to make amends through increased concern for a man, or vice versa..