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I am writing this text, first of all, for fellow psychologists who are not used to working online a lot. I know for sure that there are those who have been working online for a long time and have already mastered it a hundred hundred times, but those who, in light of recent events, had to urgently change their entire mode of operation, have a hard time. And I understand them very much. These simple recommendations can also be useful for people of other professions - now the majority work remotely, and everyone has approximately the same problems. To begin with, I will say a banal thing that everyone has already understood over the past week or two. Working online is not at all the same as working in person, in your cozy office. The efficiency of the work does not suffer from this, the essence does not change at all, but it is structured differently. And this is the first thing to consider.1. Take breaks. More breaks will be required than during full-time work. I'll tell you why now. By the way, breaks are also needed when working in groups. They will be needed more and more often than usual.2. Give yourself time to “return to reality.” Look around, count the number of colors in the room or the number of objects of a certain color. Feel yourself, wiggle your toes.3. Don’t rush to pick up your phone and immediately read messages in chats. Sit with your eyes closed, listen to the silence. At least a couple of minutes. More is better, of course, but that’s how it goes. Then I’m just writing a list of exercises that are easy to do in any conditions and that contribute to adequate brain function. Which of them to take or not to take is up to everyone to decide. But suddenly, something will suit you.1. Let's draw. One of the easiest and fastest ways to “turn on your brain” is to draw with both hands. We take a pencil in both hands and draw at the same time. A good way is to draw with crayons on large paper sizes. Maybe you have wallpaper scraps lying around at home after renovation? Tools can be charcoal, pastel, it is good to draw with liquid gouache and directly with your hands. You can dilute paints for eggs in sour cream that were left in stock from last Easter. Helps. Verified. 2. For tired eyes, this is a wonderful vision correction exercise. We approach the window, find a speck on the window, look at it for a few seconds, and then at the same level we find a point far outside the window, look at it. And so on until you get bored. 3. Any exercises from dynamic yoga, where inhalation is one asana, exhalation is another. We do everything the same - for example, as we inhale, we raise our arms up, as we exhale, we lower them down. We inhale and exhale through the nose thoughtfully and deeply, movements accordingly - slowly. Can also be done with legs. And with all the different parts of the body too. 4. Balances. Any exercises to maintain body balance - standing on one leg, on one leg and arm, on one arm, levitation - who can do what, what suits whom.5. We lie down on the floor and imagine that we have plopped down in a snowdrift and are making a snow angel - at the same time moving our legs and arms. You can add breathing, that’s good too. 6. Let's sculpt. We take plasticine from the children and sculpt. If you have clay lying around, that’s great. You can make it fit by wrapping it in a wet rag overnight. It doesn’t matter what we sculpt - we just knead it with our hands. You can take salt dough.7. Let's dance. Let's move. You can jump, jerk, shake your arms and legs. 8. Roll some balls with your feet, scatter pencils on the floor and try to collect them with your toes.9. Does everyone have a lot of buckwheat now? Here, our dear, we pour it into a basin and rustle it with our hands. Level up - throw beans there and feel them with your fingers with your eyes closed. 10. We recognize objects by touch. Many neuropsychologists have a magic bag in which there are all sorts of different things that need to be guessed by touch. Ask your family to prepare you such a surprise bag, different every day. It’s both homework and good for you. 11. Blowing soap bubbles. I'm serious. You can make it at home from liquid soap, water and glycerin. 12. We do a very funny exercise - we show “goat” with one hand, and “cow” with the other hand. Shown? Now we cheerfully clap our hands and change.