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From the author: Not loving the job you work at or the business you are in is not a pathology, it is a natural healthy state, the reaction of our being to the breakdown to which we subject ourselves for the sake of false values and illusory goals. But all this can be changed.. According to various studies, at least more than half of people do not like the business, the work that they are forced to do at the moment. Another number of people stubbornly lie to themselves about the fact that they love what they do. And only a small percentage of people are truly in love with their business. These people are very easy to recognize - they are either real Masters or confidently moving along this path. How to be among them? This is what we will talk about. I don’t want to work! The first bell signaling that something is wrong with the chosen occupation is the lack of desire to work. At all! I don’t want to go anywhere, I don’t want to do anything, instead of completing assigned tasks and my work responsibilities, a person runs into social networks, online games, “surfing” on YouTube and entertainment portals. Usually this is all attributed to procrastination, self-sabotage, fatigue, low motivation (or lack thereof), the need for vacation and other symptoms of an obvious, but stubbornly unnoticed problem - the lack of your favorite thing. You may stubbornly ignore these symptoms or try to get rid of them without trying to solve the cause. The result will be the same - first there will be an ass, then another, deeper one. And further. And one more thing... Maybe I’m doing the wrong thing in life? The first step to recovery is, as you know, recognizing the very fact of the presence of the disease. Only then can you try to cure it (unless, of course, it is already in a completely advanced, terminal stage). The first step towards getting out of the sluggish crisis into which you drove yourself into it for the sake of money, because of prestige or under the pressure of parents/circumstances went to a “normal” job, rather than doing something he liked, consists of an honest answer to the question: “Is this what I really do in life?” One bank clerk was given a plan - to force ordinary people to issue credit cards or take out loans . But he couldn't. Not because he didn’t know how, but because he realized that he didn’t like doing this dirty business, pushing people into a “debt hole.” Arriving home, tired and exhausted after an unsuccessful day at work, he sat down in the kitchen and asked himself one single question: “Is this really the work that I would like to do in the coming years and does it benefit people?” And he realized that this was not the right job, and he didn’t want to do it, despite the good money it brought in. And he quit. 4 motivators for action Many people give up looking (or don’t look at all) for their favorite business, preferring a stable, but boring and dull job, simply because they don’t see the prospects that open up. They don’t see that the work of life can make them truly alive, and not walking biorobots. Let’s see what they are losing. What you love will give you freedom, because you yourself will decide when, where and how much exactly you will do it. Whether you do it all day without breaks or just a few hours a week, whether you go to the office or prefer to do it in your cozy house. The business will allow you to realize yourself to the fullest, because through doing the business of life you will realize your talents and best human qualities, new interesting tasks will force you to continuously improve your skills, abilities and abilities, the need to make new discoveries and go beyond will lead you to the need to invent breakthrough solutions and methods. This is how they become cool Masters. The work will give you faith in yourself and your strength. Your business is naturally an extension of yourself. Any, even the smallest success is your huge personal victory. The successes that you make in hired work do not belong to you - they ultimately go to your owner. The results that your favorite activity brings -Your achievement is entirely yours, this is something you can truly and sincerely be proud of. By doing your life's work, you will very quickly begin to appreciate yourself and what you do, and pretty soon you will see that the world has appreciated your contribution as it deserves. The business will allow you to be truly needed. Because the world needs those who realize themselves as fully as possible, who are able to create and give something truly valuable, who act as agents of change that dramatically affect the lives of others, who sow the seeds of a new reality and an unprecedented future. Everyone else ends up in the role of simple users, extras, resources (human or labor), cheap raw materials or fuel. The list goes on and on, but I think that these four points are more than enough to motivate you to find your favorite thing. Courage to be yourself To find your business in life you just need to do one process - put 3 elements together: ♦ understand what I really like to do ♦ understand what I do best ♦ and decide what benefit I want to bring to the world and people In the end It will turn out that your favorite business is something that brings pleasure (you are passionate about the process and do not notice the passage of time), feeds you (brings profit) and brings clear and real benefit to the world (contributes to the development of life) The most important thing when determining your favorite business (business) life) is your deepest motivation, based on your true, not false (this is very important!) values ​​and desires. To do this you need to have the courage to be yourself. If this is not the case, then you either will not be able to formulate what exactly is your favorite business, or, even worse, your inner taskmaster will make the choice for you, who will give you the idea that your favorite business is something where you can “cut money” in bags or what something “fashionable, prestigious, promising, cool”, etc. In my practice, people who wanted to find a favorite business solely because they simply wanted to earn more, ultimately did not achieve anything. Their original motivation was fundamentally wrong. Therefore, first of all, honestly answer the question “Why do I want to find my favorite business?”, and only then start searching for it. People who love a business are not engaged in it for the sake of money, moreover, such a business may itself require investments in the early stages (although there are solutions to minimize this moment). They do what they love because they want to change the world, develop other people and make their lives more joyful and happy. They do what they love because it has a Deep Meaning. Favorite business and purpose (mission) Purpose is your challenge to the world, it is your ambitions and your strategy. These are the global changes that you will strive for throughout your life. This is something that will inspire you every moment of your life. This is your Path, this is the heart, the essence of your life. The connection between your favorite business and purpose (mission in life) is that business is a specific realization of a person’s purpose. For example, a person’s purpose may be to “make people strong and free,” and such a person can work as a children’s judo coach, whose students, having received training and the correct life philosophy (children trust coaches more than their parents, and even more so school “workers”) education"), enter adult life prepared, know how to protect themselves, their loved ones and their interests, without allowing anyone to push them around and force them to play by someone else’s rules. I saw my purpose (life mission) after the Gnostic intensive process (perhaps this is the most effective method), but it took me several years to specifically formulate what exactly my business should be, during which I made many mistakes and went into “dead-end branches” until I realized that my problem was the lack of a system. My favorite thing , corresponding to your purpose, it is not enough just to find it, it still needs to be correctly implemented, i.e. set a clear goal, write down a “road map” and start daily!