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General hysteria (there’s no other way to call it) about the coming end of the world is gaining momentum. The closer day X is, the higher the degree of psychological intensity. And the residents of Ust-Kamenogorsk are no exception in this sense. Succumbing to worldwide panic, the townspeople are ready to pay a thousand dollars for a pass to heaven. Psychologists and representatives of the clergy warn: be calm and do not pay attention to the persuasion of dubious businessmen who dream of getting rich from the “coming apocalypse.” In general, we owe today’s pun on the topic “Who will survive” to 83-year-old US scientist Michael Coe. In the early 1960s, at one of the scientific conferences, either jokingly or seriously, he made a conclusion about the Mayan stone calendar found in Mexico in 1958. Internet sources quote the scientist as follows: “The year 2012 according to the Mayan calendar will mean the end of two time cycles at once: the 13th four-hundredth anniversary and a huge cycle of 5126 years. It turns out that this year will be the “end of the world”! After this, about the Mayan calendar, found in tropical forests of Mexico, forgotten for several decades. Well, what was the point of getting excited with such a run for the future? The calendar, like good wine, has ripened - and now it has detonated to its fullest. Today there are at least two dozen options for the apocalypse - from a nice parade of planets. with the immersion in the darkness of the globe until the arrival of aliens. The date of December 21, 2012 is not the first and not the last in earthly predictions of universal demise. The last two were not so long ago. Remember the magical millennium (2000), or May 2011, when the elderly pastor. from across the ocean he predicted a Black Day. Then he moved the end day to October 21, 2011, and then went completely crazy due to unsuccessful forecasts. According to psychologists, people have forgotten how to communicate normally and spend their free time fully. We need daily stress and adrenaline to fill our lives with emotions and colors. The end of the world is ideal for this! Quite cuckoo According to the psychologist of the crisis resolution center Lyudmila Rusina, the hotline receives an average of fifteen calls per day from residents of the regional center. Of these, nine requests are directly or indirectly related to people’s feelings about the “terrible” date - December 21, 2012. “They call on the phone, come for consultations,” says Lyudmila Anatolyevna. “Recently, a woman told me that some company in the city began selling “tickets to heaven” for a thousand dollars apiece. Two of her friends, the lady assured, had already purchased them. “One man of pre-retirement age came to the reception in a depressed state,” continues Lyudmira Rusin, - the day before he watched a popular science film about December 21 and seriously thought about the future. Already in the conversation it became clear that he simply really missed the children who live in Russia, and against the backdrop of unhealthy excitement, he succumbed to depression. Another lady, Lyudmila Anatolyevna gives the example, has just gone through divorce proceedings. And, taking into account the prospects of the New Year's apocalypse, I got loans from banks. Like, you won’t have to pay anyway. Everything has been thought out. That’s exactly what our psychologists think. The company that launched a chain reaction on the countdown of human life is someone’s well-thought-out commercial move. “Remember the film “2012,” which was prudently launched two years before this date,” says Lyudmila Rusina. - The soil was prepared in advance. Thousands of people, among whom filmmakers are far from the first, had a hand in this. The result, according to Rusina, met all expectations. Only the laziest people don’t talk about the end of the world today. Young people are the easiest to approach this topic than anyone else. They perceive this message as a game, a joke. - Recently, one of our visitors admitted that he would go to a party held by some tourist office in the city. They even came up with a slogan, something like “Meet the end of the world with us.” He said thatthe company promises unprecedented discounts. It’s a completely different matter for people of mature or retirement age. They are more susceptible to stress and prone to depression. “For them, fear for the lives of their children and grandchildren is natural,” says Lyudmila Rusina. - This is how clients appear for trips to heaven. Therefore, it is important not to panic, but to look at the situation soberly. Even official science has admitted that it does not know when THIS will happen. You can't trust everyone. Before making this or that decision, think, discuss it with someone. Not this time Representatives of the clergy are also very critical. So, according to the rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, Father Evgeniy Yaganov, this is not at all the case when we need to think about the end of the world. - Indeed, each of us touches such news through our hearts. Moreover, the Holy Scriptures speak about the apocalypse,” he shared. - But no one knows when this will happen. People are simply not given to know this. According to the priest, all the excitement around December 21 is from the evil one, who is sowing confusion among people. The chief imam of East Kazakhstan region, Nurlan Haji Asanov, shares the same opinion. According to the Muslim faith, he noted, the apocalypse must be preceded by a number of signs. One of them is the loss of faith among people. The second is the coming to earth of the holy prophet. And, finally, the luminary on the day of judgment should rise not from the east, but from the west. - There is unrest among people. “Many people ask us,” said Nurlan Haji. - But real parishioners know that the end of the world will not happen on December 21. True Muslims don't need all this hype. A believer should not think about how to stock up on canned food, but how to change his life, do more good deeds, think about good things. Well, to the future! Such a toast was offered to us virtually by the famous psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova. On the eve of the impending end, the fortuneteller is in excellent spirits and in a cheerful mood. “No end of the world, of course, is expected in 2012,” she told YK-news.kz in an exclusive interview. - On December 21 everything will be as usual. It will probably be very cold, perhaps windless. There might be a minor earthquake. But this does not concern the end of the world. Now, the medium admitted, she is much more concerned about other events. Such as the dormant volcano in America and Mount Elbrus, which has already awakened in Russia, the activity of which may affect the daily life of earthlings in the foreseeable future. In the meantime, Bakhyt Zhumatova advises all Kazakhstanis to prepare for the New Year, buy wine and champagne in order to spend the old year with dignity and fun celebrate the new year 2013. Food balance Another player who, according to the Internet, has benefited from the theory of the future end of the world is supermarkets and shops. There was information on republican news feeds that residents of both our capitals were simply sweeping everything off the shelves. Matches, pasta and canned food are especially popular among those preparing for the apocalypse. The food rush, as we found out, has not yet reached Eastern Kazakhstan. According to information from one of the large supermarkets in the city, there is no abnormal demand for the above types of products. Sales, the trade institution emphasized, have generally increased slightly. But experts attribute this primarily to the pre-New Year’s worries. So for now we’ll do without the madness. In any case, these are the official data of the regional psychoneurological dispensary. According to doctors who are obsessed with the end of the world, they have not yet received any patients. The stars do not lie Recently, one of the most competent sources, the American National Aerospace Agency (NASA), finally spoke out on this burning topic. According to representatives of the organization, the day of December 21, 2012 can pose a real threat only to frightened children and depressed individuals. NASA has dispelled all rumors about doomsday and numerous versions of its execution. Astrobiologist David Morrison elaborated on the most popular theory that has been circulating lately - the parade