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From the author: The article has been reviewed and published in a scientific journal. Author -- © Bondarovich A. A. The word "crisis", written in Chinese, consists of two characters: one means “danger”, the other is “opportunity”. John Fitzgerald Kennedy1. Brief theory. Crisis, crisis conditions, their classification. Analysis of psychological, sociological and medical literature shows that crisis situations and associated negative experiences have a strong negative impact on a person’s personality and his integration into society (D.I. Feldshtein, O.V. Lishin , V.V. Neverova, D.N. Isaev, etc.). A huge contribution to the study of the problem of personal behavior in difficult life circumstances was made by L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich, T.V. Dragunova, A.L. Wenger. F.E. studied the characteristics of the individual’s experience in extreme situations. Vasilyuk, A.D. Andreeva, M. Tyshkova, R.A. Turevskaya, L.M. Abolin. A crisis is a difficult, painful period in a person’s life, the cause of which may be a traumatic, unpleasant, unexpectedly shocking situation that occurred regardless of the person’s will. Crises happen in the lives of people, groups, organizations, societies and nations. The relevance of this problem in the modern world is obvious, since the crisis relates not only to the external flow, but also to the inner world of the individual. A crisis state is an internal process that occurs in the human body and is often accompanied by mental pain. A person’s crisis state may be associated with a loss, an unpleasant discovery, an event, humiliation, or resentment. These internally painful experiences can pose a threat to an individual’s self-image, ideal self-image and personal plans for the future. Moreover, some crises and conditions in them, contain elements of objective danger and can push a person to commit suicide or lead to a deep depressive state. 2. Crisis situations in childhood, their features. Crisis situations are unfavorable external influences, or periods that have a huge impact on the further formation of the child’s personality , on the development of his sexuality and ways of responding to environmental influences. Very young children cannot verbalize their experiences and therefore are in especially dire need of support. Unnoticed crises in childhood can turn into neglected ones, or result in neurotic, inconsistent or aggressive actions: escapes, runaways, vagrancy, etc. Children often face separation crises in cases of parental divorce and parents creating new families. During this period of time, the child needs love and support, care, a reasonable and honest explanation of what is happening. If there is no such support, the child remains lonely, feels guilty for the ongoing divorce, hopes for a possible return to the family’s previous status, and may experience depression due to the inability to change anything on their own. There is a high risk of children falling into a crisis situation , survivors of the suicide of loved ones. Suicide is a socially frowned upon behavior, and the mystery surrounding death in such a case further aggravates the grief. Violent crises are a type of traumatic crisis caused by people. This may include physical abuse, sexual abuse of children, neglect of the needs of the child, psychological violence. 3. Preventive and corrective measures that are effective in situations of crisis. In the modern world, preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of deep crisis conditions, such as both minors and the adult population. In my opinion, this prevention should begin from preschool age, since a small child is very sensitive to stressful situations, but he is not at all familiar with the ways of “outburst” of internal negative experiences. I would like to offer for consideration some of the mosteffective types and forms of psychoprophylactic work in the above direction with minors. Game therapy is valuable in that it allows you to see what the child associates with the trauma in the game, the problem that prevents him from living a normal life. A variety of play materials are used to work with children, thereby provoking regressive, realistic and aggressive types of games. Regressive play involves a return to less mature forms of behavior (for example, the child turns into a very small child, asks to be picked up, lisps, crawls, takes a pacifier etc.). Realistic play depends on the objective situation in which the child finds himself, and not on the needs and desires of the child (for example, a child wants to play what he saw at home: drinking, fighting, violence, but he is offered to play what he sees in this institution: a circus performance, theatrical performance, birthday, holiday, etc.). For work in this direction, it is valuable to use human figures symbolizing family, cars, objects and dolls, sets of toys, etc. Aggressive play is a game of war, flood, violence, murder. To organize such games, you can use unstructured game material: water, sand, clay, various types of plasticine, as well as toys (pistols, soldiers, tanks, machine guns, etc.). The use of different types of games is very valuable, since what happens in the game overcoming traumatic experiences, through it mental stress is relieved, the ability to perceive new impressions is formed and children’s imagination is transferred to topics not related to violence or trauma experienced, which can contribute to the development of self-confidence, increased self-esteem, and trust in others. Art therapy is a method , which is built on the use of art as a symbolic activity. There are several types of art therapy: drawing therapy, based on fine arts, bibliotherapy, drama therapy and music therapy. With drawing therapy, it is advisable to offer games-exercises with visual material for children of primary preschool age - experimenting with paints, paper, pencils, plasticine, chalk, etc. “Drawing with fingers and toes”, “Destruction-construction”, “Overlaying color spots on each other”, etc. Tasks for joint activities are useful - writing fairy tales, stories using drawing. Bibliotherapy is a method of influencing a child and an adult. , evoking his experiences and feelings by reading books. For this purpose, the specialist selects literary works that describe people’s fears, forms of experiencing stressful situations and ways out of them. After listening to a work read or narrated, children understand that feelings such as fear and anxiety occur in many children, and they begin to understand why such feelings are evoked, they learn to distinguish between different types of threats and threatening situations, and understand the causes of fear. At the same time, children learn what to do in a given situation, which allows them to expand their social competence. When using music therapy, the classical musical works of Bach, Liszt, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Schubert are well recommended. The time of listening to music gradually lengthens from 3-5 minutes to 1-1.5 hours, taking into account age, which allows children, while listening to music, to experience various kinds of experiences, listen to their feelings, evoke an emotional state of internal balance, joy, and stress relief. With children who show anxiety, worry, fears, and tension, you can add a task. For example, when listening to pleasant music, a child is asked to think about objects that cause him fear, anxiety, etc.). When working in a group format, you can invite children to draw the music they heard, draw their experiences, feelings that they experienced while listening to music, etc. Psychodrama or drama therapy. - this is when teenagers or adults play puppetperformance, “playing out” conflict and traumatic situations, while gaining the opportunity to look at this situation from the outside and see oneself in it. With younger children who show anxiety, fear, who have experienced stress or trauma, the greatest effect is achieved by using the biodrama method (children prepare a performance in which all the characters are animals). The roles of animals or beasts are distributed among children, and they play out the play. An excellent technique, suitable for both a child and an adult, is the use of a mirror: a person tells others about himself, looking at himself in the mirror. Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form for development creative abilities, expansion of consciousness, improvement of interactions with the outside world. As a psychological method, it is recommended to use with children over 3 years old, since the child must have a clear idea that fairy-tale reality exists, and it differs from the real one. Instructions may be something like this: “Write a story about a boy who was sad,” “Write any story,” “Come up with a story about a girl who was very scared.” A fairy tale (story) can be told out loud, or it can be composed in writing by an older age category. Then the psychologist analyzes the fairy tale with the child, asking questions (Why do you think the hero did this? Did you like his action? What would you do in his place?). Thus, a composed and analyzed fairy tale will help identify the attitude or state of the child, which he does not want or cannot talk about out loud. A fairy tale therapy session should be carried out only some time after the traumatic situation, when the child has calmed down and is able to look at what happened from the outside, in in this case, through the prism of fairy-tale reality. Logotherapy is a method of conversational therapy that is aimed at establishing trust between an adult and a child. Logotherapy involves a conversation with a child aimed at verbalizing his emotional states and verbal description of emotional experiences. If a child in a crisis state is minimally included in the conversation, then it is necessary to offer to answer the questions asked not to him, but to the doll, using for this purpose various characters (Parsley, Barbie, Malvina, Pinocchio, dog, tiger, etc.). Children can use their favorite image or toy for this purpose. The method of free verbal associations is used by psychologists as a method of the art of inventing stories. Can be used when working with a group. Children can voice a certain set of words (between which there is a semantic connection, for example, grandmother, girl, wolf, train) and be asked to come up with and then voice their stories to each child. Alternatively, you can come up with stories at the suggestion of each child, i.e. . "along the chain" You can suggest inventing stories where children imagine a country in which candy, toys, rain, snow, money, flowers fall from the sky without stopping, or come up with a story about a country where everything is made of glass, soap, wood, sugar, from sweets, etc. For adolescents and adults, the most effective methods and techniques, both in preventive and correctional work, with crisis (post-crisis) conditions are: games and projective exercises using psychotherapeutic metaphorical cards COPE; art therapy techniques and techniques (drawing, modeling, making collages, etc.); theatrical show performances, staging thematic skits; fairytale therapy; music therapy; body movement therapy; relaxation, meditative techniques; autogenic training; eye movement desensitization and reprocessing; training sessions and exercises to help overcome a crisis; use (interpretation) of aphorisms, quotes and statements in the process of work; psychoeducation using thematic booklets: “How to learn to accept the situation as it is”, “Fighting stress and tension”,.