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How to communicate with “elderly parents”⭕Don’t look for joy from communicating with them. When you go to your parents' house, you shouldn't expect the evening to be wonderful. These are elderly people. They are easily excitable and irritable. You have different pictures of the world. And you are “children” for them. Therefore, without expecting, you will not be disappointed. And the meeting will become, simply, a meeting, without expectations. This makes your soul feel better⭕Accept them for who they are. Yes, he grumbles. Yes, he condemns. Yes, he teaches. Yes, he scolds. Yes Yes Yes. That's how they are. Period. And going to them, you realize that there is a high probability that such and such will happen. You are warned and armed. (And if you’re worried that you won’t hold on and “bite back”, play the game “I was able to remain silent for a minute”! I’m great. And praise, praise yourself. Aaand, carefully change the subject.⭕Understand. They love you. They love you like that , as they can. Come to your mother, and she “dumps a bowl of slop on your ears.” You understand. This is her love. She is what she is. , and your mother “didn’t bless you with reproaches and condemnations,” you’ll already start thinking: “my mother, in no way, stopped loving me”))) Understand. They love as best they know how (in their time “there was no love, no sex), no one taught them to show this love (dad’s belt was there for all occasions). Therefore, their love is like this.⭕They give us example. A bad example to follow. I don’t want to behave like this with my children and grandchildren. Thus, they give us an impetus for self-development so that this does not happen to you and your children. ⭕Parents get old. day they realize how their strength is draining, how it becomes harder for them to do their work. Imagine yourself in their place. They understand that they are nearing the end. They are angry that they cannot reach the ninth floor in one breath. !! Try to understand what it’s like for them and forgive their anger, anger, grumbling, complaints, dissatisfaction. Forgive your parents for everything, for not buying sneakers in the fifth grade, for loving your brother/sister more than you. that they didn’t give enough, didn’t love... If you suddenly quarreled today, call or come tomorrow. Remember, they may not have tomorrow.⭕This awaits us too. We, too, will one day become like them. And this is a valuable lesson for us, our children, to teach tolerance towards old age. And how to do it? Only by your example.⭕Keep them busy. If a person is idle, he feels unnecessary. Hence the dissatisfaction with yourself, life, you. Give them something to do. Just don’t need to give them your grandchildren 24/7 (this is pure selfishness). If you and your children cannot be together for a long time, imagine your parents, who have five times less strength than you. Everything is good in moderation.⭕Know how to make them laugh. And remember, a cheerful old lady is not dangerous).💡And in moments when you really want to snap back. Remember, this is a normal desire, you are not made of iron. And everything is fine with you! Breathe. Calm yourself down (there are a lot of practices) or go to a specialist to give him some advice. 💡And remember more often that your parents are alive. And it's wonderful!