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Life is created for joy, happiness and pleasure. Therefore, it is important to do EVERYTHING in life with pleasure. True desires, goals, dreams are the direction that indicates a personal path. How to distinguish true desires? Just. They always come through the heart. The heart always knows what will bring joy and happiness. Desires “from the head” are initially dead and have no energy, because they are created by the brain, which, when choosing a goal, is intended only to protect old habits, illusions and images created by society. He can always explain in detail why you need to want this or that and even convince you of the truth of the imposed desire. And the person will believe! And only then, after a while, will he discover that he didn’t get what he really wanted. How do we let our brain rule our lives? What's the matter? The answer is simple! Many problems are created because we give our brain the right to choose. To choose (to desire) is the task and privilege of the conditionally female component of a person - the soul, the heart. The task of the Brain, the conventionally male part, is to say YES to the heart and find the safest and most environmentally friendly way to implement this choice. Unless, of course, this is the brain and heart of one person). This is how you can connect your parts, leading them to harmonious dialogue and cooperation, and yourself to wholeness.