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It’s no secret that for most people, morning is the most difficult time of the day - it’s hard to wake up, get into a working mood, and come to your senses... For some, coffee helps, for others, strong tea, and I found a completely different way for myself. Every morning, immediately after I get up, I do pranayama - a yogic breathing practice that allows you to quickly and very effectively wake up and be in good shape all day with high performance. One of the main exercises in pranayama is called kapalabhati. Kapalbhati is a tonic exercise, during which the energy channels of the body, as well as ida and pingala (channels for the passage of prana energy), are cleansed. The term “kapala” means “skull; begging bowl" (for which ascetics often used a skull). The term “bhati” means “light; perception, cognition." In general, the prevailing opinion in yoga literature is that this term means “brightening the head.” The starting position for performing it is sitting in a Turkish position (Padmasana) or in the lotus position, with the hands resting on the knees with the wrists. Technique: Exhale completely through both nostrils and passive inhalation due to relaxation of the diaphragm (the chest muscles should not participate in breathing, the chest does not inflate) and immediately forcefully exhale sharply, also through both hissing nostrils. Relax with passive inhalation. Then exhale sharply again. Rhythm (duration of inhalation relative to duration of exhalation) and tempo (speed or frequency of inhalations and exhalations per minute): If we take the duration of inhalation and exhalation as 4, then inhale in 3 counts, exhale in 1 (inhalation is 3 times longer than exhalation). Strive for speed (tempo ) breathing 120 breaths per minute (observing the specified ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation). It is important to maintain the selected pace throughout the entire exercise. Breathing is performed 100-120 times. Contraindications: hypertension. Master carefully in any form: - pulmonary pathology; - cardiovascular diseases; - diseases of internal organs adjacent to the diaphragm; - hernias in the abdominal cavity. I was so impressed by the effect of pranayama that now twice a week I conduct practices for everyone in one of the yoga centers. Now not only me, but everyone Those who wish can stay in good shape all day.