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If you have had to take care of others and understand their needs since childhood, you probably never learned to take care of and understand yourself. A frequent request for advice is how to understand your emotions? Who - feels it in the body as something that prevents you from moving easily and freely, someone suffers from obsessive thoughts, someone is haunted by constant tension. I offer two simple and perhaps already known to you pictures to determine your emotions. Many states indicate certain emotions and sometimes it is a whole spectrum. Man is a complex creature and is capable of very contradictory emotions. For example, how will you feel about your newly born child? What if he was born as a result of rape by a maniac? You will learn about the death of a former young man. How do you feel? What if this guy abused you and was a drug addict and sold all your jewelry given to you by your beloved late mother? How do you feel now? Everything is not so simple and feelings can sometimes be very contradictory and this is normal. In general, it is not correct to attach feelings to a certain assessment, since feelings arise by themselves, as a kind of response to what is happening in the world. If you see the sun. What is it really like? Any assessment is a subjective attitude towards a particular event. Therefore, someone may say that it is outrageous to rejoice at someone else’s death, while someone else will sympathetically pat you on the shoulder, sharing your relief. Someone will say that it is a shame to hate your mother, and someone will smile sadly, understanding the depth of your pain. Therefore, before delving into understanding your own feelings, I suggest you start by removing any judgment of your any emotions. Even if they are not socially approved. And then I suggest you look at the picture and generally expand your vocabulary of emotions. When we know a large number of different words and synonyms, we have more tools and this expands the palette of possible colors, allows us to more accurately describe our experiences and states, which is extremely important for others to understand us. After all, if I don’t understand myself , this is what I send to the outside world and it is difficult for others to understand me. What creates the feeling of loneliness.