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Fear has one very interesting function. It makes people see the world around them differently. Judge for yourself, when we are truly scared, our perception changes, and along with this our attitude towards the world changes. We become suspicious, trying to discern danger even where there cannot be any. But the fact is that we are very creative creatures, and at such moments we begin to deeply believe even the wildest fantasies. Meanwhile, it is fear that makes you fantasize. The danger of this state is that if initially we were afraid of something specific, then later the specifics give way to the fruits of our imagination. Along with this, our condition also changes. Aggression and nervousness increase. Self-confidence disappears. A person ceases to feel safe, and this is our basic need. It is natural that at such moments a person’s beliefs change. In fact, he begins to convince himself, and later he begins to believe that danger threatens him from every corner. And accordingly, a person is in tension, and prolonged stay in this state is extremely harmful to the body. Resources are consumed at an increased rate. Changing behavior in such conditions will be imperative. The person becomes more withdrawn. His circle of contacts begins to shrink sharply. Interruption of communication may further negatively affect the attitude towards such a person. In addition, in this state people often commit rash acts. Subsequently, of course, they regret it, but at such moments it seems to them that this is the only correct option. These fantasies, caused by fear, have the property of a snowball; over time, the person only screws himself up even more. Both his emotional state and communication functions are deteriorating. Illusory (irrational) fear sometimes acts like a drug, leading a person to a state of altered consciousness. And this could end very badly. To avoid this, you need to deal with your fears. Check them for reality, and for the likelihood that this will happen to you, and in the near future. When we “dilute” fantasies with reality, the latter most often brings us back to life. Practicing psychologist Anton Chernykh. There are places in the schedule for individual consultations. Sign up in messengers 89205430457