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I felt very sorry for this guy. This poor guy was referred to me by my colleague, a psychiatrist. The boy suffered from an anxiety-phobic disorder, and his fears were so irrational that at first there was a suspicion of psychosis. But after a thorough examination, the doctor did not find schizophrenia in him, so she referred him to me for a course of psychotherapy. The adventures of the unfortunate young man began on New Year's Eve. Matvey was sitting with friends in a cafe, it was fun, the mood was high, and his thoughts were far away, at the St. Petersburg airport, where his girlfriend Oksana was waiting for her flight. She was going to fly to him, to Moscow, to celebrate the New Year together. But due to heavy snowfall, the flight was constantly delayed, which began to irritate Matvey a little. Midnight was approaching, and the snowfall was getting heavier, and it became obvious that this year the lovers were no longer together. will meet. There was a chime, the clinking of glasses, and the whole company ran out into the yard amidst enthusiastic cries. The guys were jumping, shouting, waving sparklers, and Matvey stood alone with an unfinished bottle of wine, and the festive mood was melting before his eyes. And suddenly a huge snowman caught his attention. He stood in the center of the courtyard and looked at Matvey with his bottomless dark eyes. He looked defiantly and smiled impudently with his toothless mouth. As if he was making fun of the misfortune of a disappointed young man who did not wait for his girlfriend on this magical festive evening. “Oh, you snowy fool,” Matvey said sadly and poured the remaining red wine on the snowman’s head. Then, with a deft movement, he put the empty bottle in the place of the snowman’s nose, stood there for a while, took a couple of pictures, and sent them to Oksana. To at least somehow make her laugh, to distract her from the tedious wait for boarding. But Oksana didn’t like the joke. “You shouldn’t have offended the snowman,” she wrote. “He will take revenge on you.” Matvey did not attach any importance to this message. He knew that Oksana liked to joke like that. But when he approached his entrance, he barely dodged a huge piece of ice that fell right in front of him. The icicle was so large that if it hit the target, a traumatic brain injury would be guaranteed. The year is off to a good start, thought Matvey. “The utility workers don’t want to work at all.” At home, in an empty apartment, he suddenly felt an incomprehensible uneasiness and anxiety. It seemed to him that the room was somehow unusually cold. Matvey went to the window to close the window, and suddenly was taken aback - under his windows he saw that same snowman, stained with red wine. The snowman grinned brazenly, his ominous grin inspired horror. And how he ended up under Matvey’s window was not at all clear. It became disgusting and scary, like in childhood, when Matvey was afraid to go out into the corridor at night. But childhood had long since ended, and a feeling of inexplicable horror again took possession of his consciousness. And he didn’t know how to deal with it. However, Oksana’s arrival quickly distracted him from this unpleasant episode. The snowman no longer appeared under the window, and a week later they went to the mountains to ski. The mountain air and the sun did their job, Matvey felt feeling great. And I forgot to think about some naive fears. On the last evening before leaving, he decided to ride at night. He liked night trips, when there was no one on the track, and he could completely relax and enjoy a safe descent. But this time Matvey did not feel safe at the top of the mountain, he suddenly had the feeling that someone was closely watching him. It didn’t take long thinking, Matvey began to descend. And suddenly he heard a loud rumble from behind that followed him. At the turn he slowed down and looked back. A huge mass of snow was rolling straight at him from above, rolling inexorably, gaining momentum and sweeping away everything in its path. He woke up in the first-aid post. As the head of the mountain rescue service explained to him, there was a small avalanche, a sheet of snow, and he was just lucky and escaped with fright and fainting. Oksana was glad that everything worked out well, but Matvey already knew for sure that the snowman was taking revenge on him for the damage he had caused..