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Many people have heard about the Enneagram and enneatypes. Few have heard that this is a particular development of the concepts of G. Gurdjieff. And also “less many” - about what lies in the foundation of this typology and these types. So, in the main stream of propaganda, the Enneagram is promoted as “studied types of healthy people.” This - I don’t know, maybe the adherents themselves sincerely believe in this. But fundamentally, enneatypes are based on early pathology, a pathological deficient image of the “I”. Let’s even be more precise - this is not so much an “image” or “concept”, and not a self-attitude; it all “builds up” later. According to many dubious sources (after all, the Enneagram is recorded in unscientific “parapsychology”, along with NLP), the formation of the core, the base of the enneatype occurs during the period of 5-12 months of a child’s life. At this stage, he does not operate with any “sign systems”; all he has for “cognitive processing” of the world is the body, feelings and basic emotions. That is, the enneatype is based on Deficient Self-Awareness. Or “pathological affective self.” On this basis, it is a mistake to believe that one can “work with the enneatype” using standard methods of cognitive therapy (including REBT) - these are not decisions made “mentally”; they are accepted “sensually”, emotionally, irrationally. Below I will try to describe how certain types are “generated”. Once again, for clarity, Irrational Pathological Deficient Self-Sensation (IPDSO, damn it) is the result of a decision made after the initial rupture of the “Child-Mother” connection. Enneagram theorists do not describe whether this happens immediately in the maternity hospital, after cutting the umbilical cord, or whether it is a “certain emotional situation” - but let’s take it as truth :) As a result of the IPDSO, a “false conclusion” (or as it is called, a False Essence) - a the next conclusion, “False Self.” Roughly speaking, this is the system “They rejected me because I’m not like that -> You need to become like that and prove it.” In general, let’s “go” by type: No. 1. Critic/Perfectionist. IPDSO - is that “I am imperfect, I do not meet the ideal, I do not fit the standards,” etc. Pathogenic Conclusion: You need to become the Best, Perfect, Ideal and Flawless. Accordingly, later scenarios, rules, beliefs, etc. are attached to this. No. 2. Assistant/"Angel". IPDSO - “I am a nonentity, no one needs me.” Pathogenic Conclusion: Become Very Necessary, Pleasant for Everyone. No. 3. "Achiever"/Expert. IPDSO - “I’m good for nothing, incompetent” Pathogenic Conclusion: Become Indispensable and Successful, prove “I can!” No. 4. Romantic/Masochist. IPDSO - “I am inadequate” (I do not comply). Pathogenic Conclusion: Prove your adequacy; as a rule, through “devaluing” the adequacy of others and justifying the “brokenness” of the world. No. 5. Contemplator/Thinker. “I don’t exist, I’m invisible” Pathogenic Conclusion: Justify and consolidate your existence. No. 6. Skeptic/Believer. IPDSO - “I am doomed to be alone.” Pathogenic Conclusion: Constantly being with someone, doubting fidelity, etc. No. 7. Hedonist/Enthusiast. IPDSO - “I am not self-sufficient, I cannot be satisfied; it is impossible to be with me for a long time” Pathogenic Conclusion: Strive for complete self-sufficiency and self-satisfaction. No. 8. Leader/Challenger. IPDSO - “I am helpless.” Pathogenic Conclusion: Become “omnipotent.” No. 9. Peacemaker/"Patient". IPDSO - “Nobody loves me” :) Pathogenic Conclusion: Become the most loved, pleasant, non-conflicting, etc. for everyone* * *As you can see from the analysis... And if it’s not possible, I’ll tell you now anyway: 1) These irrational decisions-sensations are clearly heterogeneous, i.e. refer to quite different levels of “decision making”. Well, for example, in case No. 1 (“I’m imperfect”) - this is obviously related to the image of oneself; but cases #4, 6 and 7 are more advanced logic circuits. To draw the conclusion “you can’t stay with me for a long time”, you need to have a reason; “I am not self-sufficient” - that is, I cannot provide myself with the required level of pleasure - too, excuse me, “cognitively unconductable” for a baby.2) Most likely,.