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From the author: This article is another opportunity to show the relationship between our body and psychology. Awareness of your personal reasons, psychological and physical activity, optimism and the desire for a fulfilling life will minimize the risk of excessive obesity. Spring. There is so much in this word….Weight. There is so much pain in a word... (my improvisation) We are born in a relationship. In the beginning it is the relationship of our parents, as a result of which we appear. And later, having matured, we build relationships with ourselves, others, and the world. Today, however, I will also touch on the topic of relationships - excess weight, as an attitude towards oneself. I will not write about the physiological aspects of excess weight (a lot has been written about this), I would like to talk about the psychology of weight. As you know, food is considered the main source of vital energy. Through food we gain strength and satiety. However, sometimes, food acts as a “protection” from reality, through eating feelings (or any other stressful, unpleasant situations), showing dislike for oneself and, in such a sophisticated way, in the form of punishing oneself. Most people reading these lines and thinking that they are overweight will sigh and say: “Excuse me, what is the connection between emotions, weight, psychology and me? I just want to lose weight so that……..” And they begin to give many reasons - from buying a new swimsuit (a hot topic for summer) to “I like to look at myself in the mirror.” Yes, unfortunately, recently (especially acutely) the attractiveness of a woman’s figure has become one of the main criteria for assessing overall appearance. And a woman’s negative attitude towards her body, based on the results of comparison and obvious “losing” to thin, slender people, increases not only internal self-doubt, but also extra pounds. How can we see body insecurities? These include drooping shoulders, general tightness in the body, and tension when walking. In turn, the body immediately reacts to stiffness - the body “mirrors” this with accumulations in the form of fatty layers, as a result of which more and more kilograms appear, and the woman becomes more and more dissatisfied with herself - showing negative feelings towards herself. So, we can observe that line, the “thread” that connects such concepts as “psychology”, “emotions” and excess weight in one person. We tend to think that our success in professional and personal life depends on our weight. However, behind the desire to lose weight (to be a certain size, for example), much more serious reasons are hidden, concentrated in our unconscious. And the weight becomes just a cover. Ask yourself questions: 1. “Why should I lose weight?” Try to answer it honestly. In my practice, I have often encountered different answers. Last time, the client was not immediately able to answer this seemingly simple question. It seemed to her that having lost weight (despite the fact that the weight was within the normal range) her husband would love her more, however, upon further clarification, it turned out that her husband was satisfied with her appearance. Then there were material arguments - I would buy a lot of beautiful clothes, which also fell apart as I thought about it. Stereotypes followed: “thin people are loved more”, “thin people are more beautiful”, until we got to the most important thing - self-acceptance. 2. “What does being overweight give me?” “Struggle” (physical, psychological, moral) - any kind, requires us to believe in ourselves, courage, determination and understanding of goals. Often, increasing body weight has benefits. So, from childhood, we were “trained” to eat our troubles and bad mood with something sweet. Hence, any attempt to go on a diet opens up internal dissatisfaction and a fairly quick breakdown. Extra pounds allow us not to enter into close, trusting relationships with the opposite sex. We are so afraid of competition with other, more attractive (as it seems to us) people that we are ready to “protect” our psyche from the expected.