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From the author: Olga Marunich A little more about body size and why it is so difficult to lose extra pounds. The map of our body is formed in the first year of life. It is in the first year that we begin to feel ourselves not just as a set of molecules, but as a whole organism. Usually this is facilitated by three types of perception (bodily), which Mother Nature awarded us in utero, these are: - tactile perception (or it is also called skin perception) ;- kinesthetic perception (perception of muscles, joints, tendons); - vestibular apparatus (perception of one’s body in space). Due to unfavorable factors, such as problems in intrauterine development (mother's anemia during pregnancy, smoking, poor nutrition, poor environment, stress), problems with labor (asphyxia), etc., these types of perception may be delayed in their development. As a result, a person may have a poor sense of his body in space, cannot move in a coordinated manner, will experience discomfort, inconvenience, often this discomfort moves from the physical sphere to the emotional sphere, the sphere of communication. For example, a problem with asphyxia leads to difficulties in the infant’s motor development; the child does not roll over onto his tummy well, moves little, and does not explore his body. The mother does not help the child in any way. In this case, tactile perception may develop excessively (such children do not like to be touched, especially by strangers; over time they avoid contact), kinesthetic perception (perception of fullness, weight of their body) lags behind tactile perception and thus the holistic perception of their body is disrupted. If a person cannot perceive his body as a whole, he cannot control it correctly; if a person cannot control his body, problems begin with managing his emotions. Food is one of the options for compensating for this process! Food as a factor of satiety, a factor of fullness, fullness of the body. So, eaters replace the lack of proper movement with overeating. And as a result, weight gain occurs. Naturally, when a person plans to lose this weight, he experiences discomfort on all fronts: physical, emotional... Severe discomfort arises, which pushes the person to eat even more. Therefore , before solving problems with nutrition, it is better to find out your psychological status, your bodily benefits from excess weight and overeating. Otherwise, the process of losing weight may take a lifetime! I'll be glad to answer your questions! Write!