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And really: how? And is it worth it? And, in the end, what is generally meant by the words “becoming weak”? Let’s figure it out. Many women, in principle, do not want to be “weak.” After all, we are all usually taught to be strong and brave - both men and women, so even the word “weak” itself is often perceived as something doomed and helpless. Someone still understands the importance of the moment and writes on forums that there is no need to be weak – it’s enough just to appear so. This is already not bad, and can give some results, but we will talk to you about why it is important to change meaningfully. Let’s start with the fact that the word “weak”, which is unloved by many, can be replaced with “strong”. And to those who are opposed to becoming “weak,” I will suggest becoming a “strong woman,” and to those for whom the word “weak” does not cause unpleasant associations, I will suggest becoming exactly weak women. Well, we have sorted out the terminology a little, so we will get to the point. Why do you need this? First, you need to answer the question to yourself: “Why do I need all this?” If you want to do this because “it seems to be so” or “they say it’s better this way,” then you have motivation you will be of no use. Therefore, your readiness for change (even positive) is determined by what your true motives are. You need to understand exactly what you can get from it, or, conversely, what it will allow you to avoid. But back to the main topic our article - how to become weak for a man? What should (and what should not) be done so that a man sees you as a weak woman and sincerely wants to take care of you? 1. You need to ask a man for what? Anything - any kind of help you can think of. Many women are afraid to ask a man for something, they are embarrassed, they think that it is awkward, that it is annoying, etc. and so on. And you, very likely, also have similar fears. The fears are completely groundless, because it is extremely important for a man to feel important, and helping a woman is a great way to feel needed and loved. 2. Integrity is your enemy What is integrity? This word can be described in different ways, but we will mean by it such traits as a tendency to argue and an inability to agree. People call this stubbornness. And being stubborn for a woman is a sure way to endless arguments with a man. Although, most likely, not endless ones - a man will not stand it for long, and your relationship may end faster than you expected. Just the sight of an arguing woman is simply a disaster , and if there is also an argument with a man, this is simply degradation. An argument and a tough defense of a position is an indicator that a woman has no other levers to control the situation. Such levers that will have a much more favorable influence on your relationship with a man and the people around you in in general. 3. A kind word A kind word is not only praise and gratitude. It's also HOW you do it. Yes, we know that “a kind word and a gun” works better than just “a kind word” and this beautiful phrase can be misleading. Yes, it can work on the level of intimidation , however, this is definitely not what you would like to do with your beloved man. By intimidating a man, you can turn him either into a soulless tyrant, or, more likely, into a doormat on which you will soon wipe your feet and suffer: “A where are the real men?...”Remember that your soft voice and kind word are another brick that makes up your feminine “weakness-strength.” 4. Appearance is a reflection of your essence And even if you want to argue with this, it’s still true. Someone doesn’t want to argue, but sincerely believes that you can wear a man’s trouser suit all day long and still remain a cute fairy at heart .This is self-deception. Whether you like it or not, what you wear (from your headdress to your shoes) greatly influences your self-perception. Clothes, shoes, and even your hairstyle are, if you like, part of your personality . Albeit changeable, but still a part. With the help of clothes and appearance, you can