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From the author: The article was published in the RVS newspaper, co-author Elena Telichko - I am 22 years old, in two months an important event in my life will take place. I'm getting married. But the preparation process is overshadowed by quarrels with the groom. It is not always possible to find a compromise on some issues. For example, choosing the venue for the celebration, the composition of the guests and various minor issues. In addition, pressure from relatives in terms of holding our wedding is annoying; they claim that they know better than us how our wedding should take place. The event was long-awaited and as we get closer to it, jitters and strange doubts appear, maybe we need to wait a little longer, maybe we’re in a hurry.... I just wanted to spend this time of preparation for the wedding in some kind of pleasant euphoria. What results is some kind of tense situation and a lot of disagreements. Tell me how to eliminate conflicts between me and my relatives, and most importantly, with my future husband. How to suppress this feeling of strong excitement and uncertainty about your feelings? - Preparing for a wedding is a special ritual of “entering” into a conscious relationship between a man and a woman. This is a kind of rehearsal of your life together, your future relationships. In addition, when discussing the wedding celebration, the opinions of relatives joined your vision of the event. And here, of course, it is not so easy to agree and come to a common opinion. Here we advise you to be flexible. This is a purely feminine quality, which in the future will help you smooth out the “corners” of misunderstanding in the family. You, as a woman, must learn to listen to the opinion of your future husband. And smoothly bring it under your vision of the issue. As people say: the man in the family is the head, and the woman is the neck, where the neck turns, the head will look there. And believe me, if a woman does this skillfully, then the man happily agrees to look in the same direction. After all, he already agrees with many things, if he is ready to start a family with you. Regarding relatives, you can express gratitude to them for their active participation and advice, since they each worry about you in their own way. And gently explain to them that their opinion is very important to you and you will definitely think about it together with your fiancé. Thus, you will not enter into conflict with them, show your respect and make it clear that now you, as a true woman, are consulting with a man - your future husband. As for doubts about feelings towards your future husband, we can say that until recently you had a period of falling in love. Then there was much more romance and you both showed each other only the positive sides of your character. Now you and your fiancé will learn the other facets. And you need to be prepared for this and learn to accept your chosen one with all his advantages and disadvantages. Well, where have you seen a completely ideal person? Therefore, we can say that you are experiencing one of the first crises of your relationship. There will be many more of them during your family life. And it largely depends on your wisdom how you live them.