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From the author: The article was published on the official website of Anastasia Zatsepina First, let’s figure out what I mean by the phrase “autumn depression.” This is a condition in a mentally healthy person when: - decreases performance, - emotional background of mood – melancholic, i.e. emotions such as sadness, apathy, worry and anxiety predominate. - A person is prone to reflection, i.e. soul-searching and analysis. - In this state, you practically don’t want to do anything, just lie in bed and watch some films or programs. But even at this moment, thoughts are somewhere far from what is happening. Those. a person seems to fall into prostration, falling out of real life. What are the reasons and why in autumn? The fact is that in nature everything obeys certain laws and therefore, after the active summer season, there is a natural decline in vital activity. Nature is rebuilding to new living conditions and humans are no exception. Therefore, autumn is perhaps the most favorable time for such a condition. In general, this kind of depression occurs in any season, here you need to look individually for each person. It’s just that autumn is the most pronounced and widespread. But why does a person need this autumn decline in activity, what benefits can you get from this depression? The fact is that in the modern rhythm of life we ​​don’t have enough time to look inside ourselves, to be alone with yourself and sort out your internal problems. And if you don’t do this, then the process of destruction will begin. That’s why these periods of “withdrawal into yourself” arise in order to hear your inner voice, figure out what I really want, set priorities in life, etc. Therefore, If you perceive your “autumn depression” as the best time for inner work, working on yourself, you can discover a lot of new things in your life, get great opportunities to realize your desires and see the world from a completely different perspective. What if If you try to drive this condition away, and even worse, resort to antidepressants and other medications, you will definitely not bring any benefit to yourself. But vitamin complexes are very good during this period, because... help you prepare for winter and regain the strength you spent in the summer! Is it true that women are more susceptible to autumn depression? I have not seen any scientific research on this subject, but I can assume that this is really so for one simple reason - women are more predisposed by nature to introspection, reflection, they do not they are afraid to show their sad state. But a man, according to the requirements of our society, must always be strong, he must not “be nagging”, etc. Therefore, it turns out that women are immersed in this state and, to varying degrees, fulfill their task of self-development .I believe that this is one of the factors why women have recently become more and more powerful - they take advantage of their feminine advantages, and also master masculine useful skills. What are the symptoms of autumn depression, and when does a person need to start worrying and seek help from a specialist? I already mentioned the symptoms earlier. But regarding specialists, the question is serious. Firstly, if you are in a state of “autumn depression”, but maintain adequacy, i.e. If you realize what’s happening to you and you want to use this moment to better understand your problems, then this is a great time to see a psychologist. Because no serious life troubles have occurred, which often push people to come to a psychologist, and the moment is favorable for internal work. Secondly, there is a moment when a person has mental disorders and then in the autumn they simply worsen . For example, such as neuroses of varying degrees, panic attacks, hallucinations and delusions, phobias, etc. Then you already need it