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There are many gradations by which people, and in particular children, can be divided into subgroups. By temperament: Choleric Phlegmatic Sanguine Melancholic By type of predominant energy: Element of fire Element of earth Element of air Element of water Social orientation: introverts and extroverts. Children can be divided into types depending on the signs of the zodiac, then there will be 12 of them. There are also more complex psychotypes, but it is too early to talk about them in preschool age; they are formed by adolescence. In order not to get confused in these gradations, they can be correlated with each other, and you will get only 4. 1. Choleric corresponds to the element of fire , which in turn includes the following zodiac signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. Cholerics = extroverts. The main characteristics of this type are movement, creation, creativity. He is quick-tempered, self-confident and impetuous, makes decisions instantly, so his ideas are often not thought out, but very interesting and unusual. Choleric people are very active, cannot stand long periods of waiting, and are subject to sudden mood swings. A choleric child is a terrible fidget and arguer. He is decisive, persistent and fearless, he can change his decision at the last minute exactly the opposite, he loves risk and adventure. A kind of Mr. Fix - you don’t know what to expect from him in the next minute, and he himself doesn’t know it due to his impulsiveness. Recommendations for organizing a holiday: they need movement, so that the body is involved, outdoor games. Since the nervous system is strong and unstable, to avoid nervous fatigue, you can alternate active games with calm ones, with the advantage of working with your hands, this develops their perseverance. Thanks to their ability to fantasize, games are possible where you need to invent, do, create something, etc. The role of a leader is suitable for such a child; you can assign him the “main pirate” or “main fairy” in the game. He is definitely attracted to a large group of peers and noisy fun. 2. Phlegmatic corresponds to the element of earth, which includes the following zodiac signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus. Phlegmatic people are introverts. The main characteristics of this type are practicality, organization, order. This is a type of material energy. A slow, diligent and outwardly calm child. He is consistent and thorough in his studies. Plays with several favorite toys, does not like running around and making noise. He cannot be called a dreamer and an inventor. Usually, since childhood, he neatly folds toys and clothes. It is the phlegmatic child who is capable of carefully and conscientiously tearing off pieces of wallpaper in the living room for hours, without interfering with adults going about their business. When playing with children, he prefers familiar and quiet entertainment. He remembers the rules of the game for a long time, but then rarely makes mistakes. Does not strive for leadership, does not like to make decisions, easily giving this right to others. The phlegmatic person strives to create an orderly system for organizing his entire life and relationships with people around him and the world. The desire to observe traditions, economy and calculation, strategy and laconicism of a phlegmatic person often lead to success. Recommendations for organizing a holiday: quiet board games are suitable; the child will get lost in a noisy company. A quiet celebration in familiar company is more suitable. Intellectual games, with simple rules, where you need to distribute and organize something, games where it is not speed that is important, but compliance with the rules, attentiveness and perseverance. 3. Sanguine corresponds to the element of air, which includes the following zodiac signs: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. Sanguine people are extroverts. The main characteristic of this type is intelligence, communication. A lively, cheerful, strong and balanced person. In childhood, this child is the “sun” - usually in a good mood, inquisitive, active, and able to control his emotions. Growing up, he gives the impression of a determined, optimistic, self-confident person. Easily gets along with people, adapts to new things: