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From the author: I’ve been working with a psychological weight correction program for a little less than ten years. Indeed, there is a problem that is quite difficult to solve. But, with a successful combination of circumstances, the main one of which is intention, it is possible to part with extra pounds forever. I haven’t had and don’t have any problems with weight, I eat little, I’m not picky about food, I haven’t liked sweets since childhood. And if six years ago they told me that I would develop a program for psychological weight correction and would successfully implement it, I would have raised my eyebrows, pursed my lips skeptically and chuckled to myself. But - a person assumes... My best friend, year after year, insistently convinced me that “this is the problem of problems, how many people suffer from the fact that every month it becomes more difficult to put on clothes and they have to constantly change their wardrobe to a size larger”! What can’t you do? for a friend? Especially if you want to help her? I came across one book about how to lose weight in 7 days, another... In general, there is a lot of literature on how to lose weight by a certain amount of kilograms in a short period of time. And how many diets I learned! Two of them were strongly recommended by Komsomolskaya Pravda - according to blood type and the Kremlin one. I still can’t understand why they are so against vegetables and fruits in the Kremlin diet? Once a lady came for a consultation in a very nervous state. It turned out that she was excited about her next trip to the fasting clinic. She said that she had been desperately struggling with excess weight for several years. I’ve already been to the clinic twice, where in 28 hungry days I lost tens of kilograms, and returned home light and joyful, where those same kilograms were waiting for her in the company of friends. That’s how I began to study the problem of weight. Several obvious things became clear that were previously unimportant to me: 1. A person can eat a lot. By the way, this is provided for by the biological survival program, to eat in reserve when there is something. Our ancient ancestor ate 5,000 calories a day. True, he moved a hundred times more. It turns out that to maintain weight and normal body function you only need 2000 calories.2. Obese people make a good profit: weight loss belts, Sky Swallow tea (they joke: if you drink this tea you will fly like a swallow to the toilet), expensive fat burning medications...3. Obese people are very needed! There must be a lot of them! Well, how else can you explain carts in huge supermarkets! Beautiful packaging with products that just beg to be picked up! Cooking TV shows, recipes for exotic dishes, different cuisines... A person lives to eat! It is not surprising that in countries with a high level of consumption, where the process of food absorption is simplified, and, most importantly, around the clock, there are so many obese people. Yes, yes, we are talking about the USA, Germany - about 30% of the population of these countries is obese, and almost half can be observed to be overweight. Explanation: obesity is excess weight by 20% of normal. Italians complain: McDonald's is open 24 hours a day! Russia is not yet in the first positions, but there is an upward trend, especially in large cities. I think information about where the least obese people are – these are African countries – will be of interest. Well, there weren’t any of them at all in besieged Leningrad... The conclusion is obvious: the reason for excess weight is overeating. Why don’t people know the measures? Why, knowing that one more cake will add unwanted centimeters to the waist, do they still eat it? True, after this a painful internal dialogue begins: “Well, again!.. Was it really impossible to abstain? Well, how much can you?”…The client says: “I have oatmeal with water for breakfast, without salt, sugar or butter. Lunch is also light – there’s no time. But when I come home, my mouth doesn’t close – I eat, eat and eat. I don’t even feel the taste. I stop when the heaviness in my stomach appears. Then I start berating myself.” These are the sometimes dramatic relationships with food. When there is nothing to eat!