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It is impossible to imagine a modern person without spending time on the Internet. This opens up great opportunities, but also brings no less harm if the time spent in the virtual world is used illiterately. One of the varieties of such useless pastime is surfing Internet pages, when a person aimlessly scrolls through sites/pages that he does not need, hour after hour, “freezes.” » on marketplaces, without the goal of buying something, reads the “yellow press”, etc. In principle, this does not pose any serious threat, however, it has certain consequences. Firstly, time is wasted. If you calculate the number of hours that the average person spends on the Internet (not counting work, of course), you can be horrified. According to statistics, this is more than 6 hours a day in total, of which about 2.5 hours are on social networks. Multiplying this by the number of days in a week, we get approximately 17.5 hours, that is, a person spends almost a day surfing social networks and websites. And if you count the hours and days for a month and a year, you can become seriously depressed. Secondly, cognitive abilities deteriorate. Performance is significantly more reduced in those people who spend most of their free time aimlessly on the Internet. This is due to the fact that the brain tries to process all the information coming to it. And most of it is trash. While her brain is busy digesting essentially garbage, she has no energy left for truly important information. Therefore, it is so important to periodically monitor and “clean” what you read and watch. Thirdly, it has been proven that this method of “killing” time is addictive. A person stops doing what he usually does in his free time (hobbies/hobbies/communication with loved ones), and this is extremely important for a positive emotional state. To summarize, we can say that such leisure is permissible only for a short period of time, provided that it does not affect real life in any way. Set yourself a timer if you can't stop on time. Arrange so-called “fasting days” without the World Wide Web. You will soon notice that when you are not online, nothing fatal will happen, and you will free up time for something truly important. How much time do you waste on the Internet? Do you feel addicted? What other tips can you give to get rid of it? Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪