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John... Two brothers lived on Earth. My story is about this... One was born, as they say, on a cold winter day. It is not an easy day. That is the peak of winter, when for three days there is almost no sun, no heat... And His fate is cruel. Crucified. But they also say about His death that they are the same three days as the Sun! And like the sun's resurrection. So, where is His death, and where is His birth? He was conceived in the spring. And also in the Peak, where day and night are equal. The Second... (But maybe He is the First?)... was born in the Summer. In the Navel of the year itself! (Then we will find out what kind of word “year” is). When life plays! Flowers are blooming! And it’s not the flowers that bloom. Goblin and mermaids are walking! All life is in full swing. Moreover, these days the Star still rises in the East, three moments of the Sun ahead. His parents, by the way, also conceived him in the Peak. At the peak of autumn, when both day and night are equal. His fate is different. But, all the same, We remember His Head on a platter. ---And the Three Wizards - the Magi came to the Star. But in the summer that Star rises early before the Sun! They came... but then, They came to Ivan!? -----But the one who walked behind Me will become ahead! Ivan's words about Christ. Familiar rumor! After all, there was already a similar monologue. And the brother who was walking behind was able to get ahead! And the elder, having punished God, sold his rights. For pea soup. He, you see, doesn’t need God’s Grace in hunting! Esau got used to earthly affairs (like the one on the Cross?). And Jacob began to lead people according to their dreams! So He goes along his own path, along the Milky Way. So he calls with him Only those who are ready to go go on the road! And before Them there was already Kain, the farmer, who wanted to dig in spite of God, and Abel was there and shed blood... That was the end of the journey. But there were brothers before Them! One was younger. Combat. With an iron sword, with a shield, with fire in his hands, with a crowd of troops! But everyone thinks that Michael is all the Bright Angel in the flesh. And the Elder Brother. Blue eyes. In the crown is the Emerald Grail. Calm, wise. Armed only with the Word (isn’t it the same Word as the Word “God”?) and Light. But people (are they wise?) decided in spite of themselves that He is a fiend, no deeper, He is the creator of Hell. Lucifer. Forgive them. After all, they are just people. ------And what is the symbol? They say that the Crucifixion on the Cross is a symbol of fidelity to oneself in the material, unstable world. That is the Path of Jesus, the path of Christ. But the symbol of the Spirit, God’s path, life in the Heavenly Kingdom, is depicted by the Magi as Chapter. The head is separated from the body and flesh! This is John’s way! -----So this is why and why all these secret Masons, and those faithful to the Rose, and those praising the Cross, and men waiting for the Dawns, love Ivan! Not Christ! They bring honor, glory, and their dark sacrifices to Him. What does anyone believe in.. --- But in this secret there is another one inside! After all, “Summer” was the name of the year for the Glorious Rulers Glorifying! And We now call “ years" only until four, and then "years"! And their main holiday was on that Summer Navel, on that day and night, Kupala Night! Ivan bathed again, and also drives everyone into the water for the Spirit of purity! And "Year ", he is God. Is He a New Year, and a New God? Or what? Or is the Truth taught from the Slavs? -----One was conceived and appeared in the Peak. Another was born and created at the same time. Let's add to this Quest of the Earthly Year. Mary, the mother of Christ, was also conceived in the Peak of Winter by her Anna and her father, and She appeared in the fall, when Ivan was conceived. Only Incognito remained, born in the Spring, and conceived on Christmas Day Ivana, in the summer. (About Whom the Slavs say that he was successfully conceived on this day!) But who is He? Who is the mysterious hero who completes the circle? I know one. No, two, or a little more. But I know one thing for sure. -----There is also one birth in the date of John. And there is one death... When you look at the date of the Zodiac, then John was born in the minute of Cancer from Leo, no more. So.... Once upon a time many years ago ,When Our dear Light, wandering in circles in the sky, entered the same Zodiac, in the first minutes from Leo to Cancer, You can recognize It as a Scarab! So, in these minutes, not minutes, an Epoch ended. And a new one came The Atlanteans are gone. Their island has sunk to the bottom. Culture, knowledge, priests...But no, the priests are not all gone! Others are here. But this New Age has begun! Like a small icon about that era and events, too, Everything rolls along with the Scarab, like that Sisyphean work, or Dung, or the Luminary.