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What is happiness for a modern person? Thirst for the inaccessible - this is where we dream of the notorious happiness. But there is an eternal problem here, a pitfall the size of an iceberg. Having received the inaccessible, we are never destined to achieve bliss, because in this case the inaccessible turns into completely ordinary. As a result, such happiness is initially unrealistic by its nature, since it is only an eternal ghost of something distant. Happiness for such a person is a kind of phantom of future success, which is based on the only condition - to remain unattainable. The desire for happiness is tightly stuck in our heads, and we no longer realize that we will never achieve it. This is comparable to the work of Sisyphus. We can carry a heavy burden indefinitely in the hope of gaining long-awaited freedom in return, but the truth is that this will never happen. It all lies in the hypnotic power of our brain. A person constantly runs like a squirrel in a wheel in pursuit of illusory goals. Each circle is a clear illusion of progress. Constantly appearing values ​​depreciate sharply the closer they are. Goals go away, but the dream of a non-existent future remains. A pattern that has been tested for centuries. And a slight haze of happiness is just a cover for one’s own inability to live here and now. A voluptuous illusion, whispering that: “here, it’s already very close...”. The eternal “almost” is suffering and inexorable, like a jump without a parachute. Because in this moment there is no place for “then and then.” In the present moment there is nothing inaccessible, there is only a tangible “now” - crystal purity. This is the nature of utopian desires - to run away from life to something that does not exist. In the future, you may not get what you paid for, but now you have already lost the joys of real life. Unfair exchange. It is impossible to suddenly become happy. Either you are always happy in your own way, or never. All meditative practices come down to focusing on life specifically at this moment without dreams of the future. This is the essence of nirvana - eternal life in the lasting moment. In fact, everything does not depend on goals at all. The problem is constantly expecting the best. They are the ones who spoil the unique opportunity to live here and now. That is why an ideal relationship is when your loved one suits you the way he already is. And not the way he should be in your dreams. Otherwise, your own dissatisfaction with life is transformed into a partner from whom you expect more and more. The result is a constant craving for new poses, expensive gifts, experiences, fantastically beautiful airy and tangible castles. You will always want more and all because the unattainable remains a priority. By accepting yourself, you can accept your life. Awareness is essential to see what is happening clearly and not live in dreams. This will deprive you of blind illusions, through clarity you will see and get rid of attachments, the taste of life will appear. In the pursuit of happiness, a person cannot break out of the framework and prohibitions. He needs to remain strong, courageous, uncontroversial and even holy! And also a car of a modern brand, a prestigious job, a partner that causes envy and status in the eyes of everyone else. You can continue indefinitely. But is it worth it? All the same, this will lead to eternal disappointment and lack of something. What is unattainable will remain so. It only deceives and mixes things up so that we never discover its foul play. Here lies the root of all disappointments. Finally, when you get what you want, you expect a reward, but what you get is another deception. You can indulge yourself with illusory happiness for several minutes until the barrel of the unattainable is finally empty. And then? The mood turns black, a void appears and the need to fill it is not in life, but at least on the borders of the future. As a result, we again rush in pursuit of new dreams about the inevitable future happiness. This time for all. And it’s very scary to lose this. And a never-napping desire to make your life.