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From the author: The article is posted on the website - To love life more than its meaning? - Of course, to love before logic, as you say, to love before logic , and then only I will understand the meaning of F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov” Just think, what is the head of a modern person filled with? This is an endless string of problems and tasks, more problems and more tasks. Days, years, and lives pass in this race of decisions and searches for answers. Moreover, there is no peace even at home, because at home we are faced with domestic problems and household tasks. Just recently, happy to have a day off, I told myself that now I will do whatever I want! And went to wash the dishes! Because at home the brain is tuned to search for dust and dirt, and then the program for completing household tasks is turned on. And here it is important to tell yourself: “Stop. Enough. Do I really really want to spend my “now” on washing dishes?” And again, internal attitudes lead me away from the “here and now” state, because after washing the dishes, in the future it will be more comfortable for me to take care of myself, in other words, my conscience will not get stuck. What now? Where am I at this moment? And I’m anywhere: in the future, in the past, just not in the present... And then one day, having written at least ten questions for the session, puzzling over the unifying request for trance, I plunged into a journey through past lives. And what do you think happened? I felt like an otter on my trance journey! It was amazing, I was an absolutely happy animal who gets great pleasure from everything he does. Here is an otter masterfully swimming along the river, only its muzzle is visible, periodically the otter dives under the water. How do I feel in the body of an otter? This is complete control over the body, I swim great. If I want, I will make it so that I will be completely invisible to other animals, and I can also lean out of the water and examine the surroundings with curiosity. I was bursting with a feeling of happiness from the fact that I was swimming, from the way I was swimming. I enjoyed my movement on the water. But this was not the main source of my joy. I was happy with everything I did: how carefully I cleaned my paws, how I looked for food, I really liked to gnaw on certain roots, I had several babies, and they were touching. Everything in the otter's body was clear and simple. Meaning of life? Just live, enjoy what you are! Enjoy what you do. You can enjoy life! After truly realizing that happiness can be in everything, that our valuable time in life passes behind a plan, tasks and a frantic pace, you understand how petty those tasks that an hour ago seemed like the problem of the century can be, and you begin to rethink values, weigh your desires, ask yourself, will I really be happy if I achieve, acquire, go, etc.? Is this happiness? Is this the point? The otter came to me several times, I will never forget this touching face, this cheerfulness and life in the “here and now” state. Later, while collecting information on the symbolism of animals, I found that the otter symbolizes the joy of life, and It is important not only to enjoy life, but also to sincerely rejoice at the successes and achievements of others, then there will be more happiness in your life. For me, a trance session in the body of an otter will forever remain a way out of the routine of tasks, a breath of fresh air in the world of needs and goals. Unfortunately, knowing the simple truths about how to live, what is good and what is bad, we still stew in our problems, ruin the lives of ourselves and those around us, and only after experiencing from our own experience how can we live, feeling absolute happiness not from goods, and from the fact that you simply exist, you understand how important it is to love life more than its meaning.