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From the author: If you think that the surrounding world influences us (in a psychological sense), then it is not so, it is an illusion. Let's figure out why this is not the case and how it works. “He’s already fed me up with his nagging,” “she called me a fool,” “why are you talking to me in that tone?” Situations familiar? While in them, we are convinced that the people we talk to influence us, causing irritation, anger, fear, disappointment or resentment, making us furious. This is so obvious to everyone that it leaves no one in doubt. However, this is an illusion. No one ever influences us (in the psychological sense). When interacting with other people, we react only to ourselves. First, we experience some emotion in accordance with our image of the world, and then, reflected in this reaction, we react to ourselves, that is, to our own reaction. Let's figure out how this happens. Let's say you get into a poop mess. What will be the reaction? Everyone will have their own: someone will laugh, someone will vomit, some muslin young lady will faint, everything will depend on what kind of reaction to this was formed in the person before. Only two groups of people will not have any reaction - plumbers, because they deal with this almost every day and for them it is the same substance as any other, and young children who have not yet been told how to act in such a situation. You see that the content of our consciousness is very conditional, it depends on the content of the socialization process, i.e. from how he was taught or how he decided to react to this or that event. So let's move on. We perceived the smell, appearance, color, tone and volume of sound, some phase or a separate word. After this, this perception instantly causes a certain emotional reaction in us in accordance with the content of our consciousness, in accordance with our conditioning. Then we react to ourselves, that is, our own reaction. That is, we act in accordance with what we feel. The emotion that we experienced makes us feel the legitimacy and justification of this reaction, and we no longer react to what we perceive, but to our disgust, our anger, our irritation or our pleasure, i.e. on themselves, on some part of the content of their own consciousness. No one and nothing has any influence on us! These are just our own ego constructs. We influence ourselves! In the world around us, no one does anything to anyone. We do everything to ourselves. Let's take another example: a man stands in front of us and shouts something. In fact, this is just a person who makes certain sounds for a specific purpose. What is happening to us? We perceive these sounds and our image of ourselves, our value system, i.e. we ourselves react to them, i.e. we experience some kind of emotion, and then we begin to act based not on reality, not on an adequate vision of the situation, i.e. from why he screams, what he wants, but from what we feel, what emotion we experience at this moment. That is, we begin to be reflected in our emotions, to react to ourselves, to our feelings. It turns out that no one ever influences us. It's just an illusion! We, as a result of taking ourselves seriously, as a result of the content of our consciousness, always react to ourselves. We are constantly reflected in our own emotions and relationships..