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You read the title and probably imagined a whole list of possible stressors: being late for work, traffic jams, an interview, a quarrel with a partner, an exam, forgotten car keys. The interesting thing is that the stressor (that event , which triggers anxiety) maybe even... Anticipation of stress! Our psyche is designed in such a way that living through a stressful situation should help us cope with it. Stress mobilizes our feelings: in a moment of danger, we are focused on the most important thing at the moment. But, if we often experience stress even for small reasons: a mess in the nursery, a dinner burning on the stove, anxiety about an upcoming birthday - our body is in tension all this time. In exactly the same tension as if we were running from a fire or escaped from the storm. When all our needs are covered (we are safe, we have food, a home, we receive emotional support), our body works in its ideal rhythm. Stress is the body's reaction to the fact that the balance is upset. If we leave it without attention (for example, waiting for it to go away on its own), the consequences for the body can be devastating! Long-term stress increases the risk of diseases such as: 🔸 cardiovascular diseases; 🔸 diabetes; 🔸 post-traumatic disorders; 🔸 peptic ulcers; 🔸 brain damage, memory impairment; 🔸 neurosis. How can you understand that you have been under stress for a long time? Here are some points to pay attention to: 1. You can’t fall asleep at night for a long time, you suffer from anxiety2. Your appetite is impaired (either you start eating more than usual or you don’t feel hungry)3. In any situation, you are afraid of a bad outcome, you do not see positive options for resolving the situation4. You often feel irritated, angry, want to cry, feel sorry for yourself5. It’s difficult for you to carry out even the usual actions: taking care of loved ones, about the house, doing your work, preparing breakfast. Stress is one of the most popular requests in my experience of personal and group therapy. How many points did you find in yourself? How do you cope??