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When people become fixated on each other, becoming attached to each other with insane affection, when they see the meaning of life in another person, they die for true love, and when people kill such desires and begin to do deeds of love for the sake of love itself, then they come to life for true love, freeing themselves from all kinds of dependent relationships, although not immediately. As life experience shows, everything truly good and good is acquired with difficulty and compulsion, if there is not at least a little struggle or obstacles , one can doubt whether this is really a good and useful thing, and as a rule, if so, then with the passage of time one can usually be convinced that it really would not be useful or even harmful, and everything that is acquired without our labors is almost not valued by us .How to show love correctly? In the following way: do not be angry and do not hold evil in your memory towards people, do not allow yourself to reproach, say swear words, mock, try to maintain peace as much as possible, do not consider yourself superior to another, do not take revenge, give in and do not contradict , reject argumentativeness as a manifestation of pride and sick pride, speak well of those who slander you, do good if they have done evil to you, caused insults, insults, misfortunes, persecution. Do not judge anyone, do not judge anyone, whether he is good or bad , having before my eyes myself and what I need to work on myself. Treat everyone as you would like them to treat you. Forgive with all your heart, without leaving any remnants of resentment or memory of malice. Do not harm people with empty conversations and verbosity , do not take advantage of close acquaintances and do not allow yourself to be treated freely for this reason. Honor other people as the Divine creation within your soul, so that no one sees it, without distinguishing age, gender, class, and in general, try so that no one sees your affairs I saw, if it is possible to hide it from the general gaze. By doing this, true love for everyone will be born in you, correct, real love, and not what is abundantly propagated in the media in our time, misleading and deceiving people in the most brazen way.