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Loving yourself is a process that requires a certain amount of effort and time. The basis of our perception of ourselves is collected throughout our lives through our experiences, events, interactions with others and their influence. And perhaps, in the process of shaping us as individuals, we have developed low self-esteem, habits of self-criticism, or a series of negative beliefs about ourselves (“I’m not good enough,” “I’m clumsy,” or “I always ruin everything”). Loving yourself is a daily task. practicing positive self-esteem, kindness, and self-compassion; mindfulness, respect and concern for physical and emotional well-being; setting personal boundaries (for example, saying “no” without feeling guilty), taking pride in your efforts and achievements. Here are some strategies that can help you in this process: Determine your values ​​and life goals. Determine what is truly important to you in life. Consider your personal values ​​and set goals that reflect them. This will help you feel more confident and conscious in your decisions. Take care of yourself. Give time and attention to your physical, emotional and mental needs. This may include regular exercise, healthy eating, time for rest and relaxation, and activities that bring you pleasure. Recognize and appreciate your achievements. Write down your achievements, no matter how big they are. Pay attention to all the small and big steps you take in your life and praise yourself for them. Avoid self-criticism and comparison with others. Focus on your unique qualities and strengths rather than your weaknesses. Avoid negative comparisons with other people, as everyone has their own unique path and individual development. Be compassionate with yourself. Self-compassion is the ability to treat yourself with understanding, kindness, and compassion. Try to treat yourself the same way you would treat a close friend who is struggling. Practice friendly and supportive conversations with yourself. If you feel that it is difficult to cope with the burden of heavy thoughts, the habit of criticizing yourself and treating yourself poorly, then seek support. It could be your friends and family who will support you, or it could be the help of a qualified psychologist who can help you develop healthy self-love. Remember that loving yourself is a process that takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself and give yourself permission to be imperfect and grow..