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From the author: excerpt from the book “The Art of Love Trance”Beyond the ideal state Upward flow. The pleasure is deep, exquisite. A strange combination of naturalness and physical shock from the sharpness, the power of sensations, when the nervous current is as emotional, passionate as it is balanced, slow, calm, gently gripping the body. Melts any tension, creating an acute feeling of happiness in every energetic particle of the soul. Viscous, fluid, charged with incredible energy, peace that came from the outside, born inside at the same time. Clarity, radiance, a fiery, fluid world, in which the soul is incredibly light, in which the body is weightless, transformed into love. The line between the world of ordinary human sensations, where the spine reminds itself only of discomfort and pain, and the state of deep physiological, spiritual pleasure, when all energy strives upward and melts all the tension frozen in the body - it is transparent, insignificant. The mind tends to generalize and simplify ideas about human capabilities, to treat the reality of sensations prudently as with the physical world. It makes no sense to treat states of heightened consciousness, as well as such a strong emotional experience as an orgasm, one-sidedly, from the point of view of external physiological changes. Yes, this state is probably characterized by a different balance of muscular tension - relaxation than usual, perhaps breathing, pulse, and pressure change, but, in my opinion, these signs do not include the full richness and depth of such experiences. On the other hand On the other hand, the rational approach strives for the illusion that, having once experienced an internal transformation, a person will forever remain that way, that now his energy will forever enter a new direction and his consciousness will gain clarity and his body will gain relaxation. In the real world, a person cannot become ideal, cannot become perfection, even after the most incredible spiritual experience. Any mental state is only a place, one of a large number of places where consciousness can visit. The mind strives for mythology and unambiguity, turning the experience of the ascent of kundalini, the experience of energetic intensification of certain energy centers into a single type of event. There is no point in trying to enter into an ideal state, simplified, “experienced by others,” attributed to almost divine entities. The human spirit does not like repetition, does not strive for stagnant perfection, the mind is inclined towards this, because it is clearer and easier for the mind to look at mental pleasures as an acquisition, to take ownership of enlightenment or love ecstasy, so that it is proud of their presence. In the world of spiritual experience, no one of us is not the owner, and no one can be proud of the achievements, unfortunately, at this rank, fluid living sensations that do not fit into the usual criteria, associated with experiences of heightened consciousness, turn into ice and lose their meaning. They are not achievements, because enlightenment lives in a different time space, the same as the fleeting aromas of flowers at dawn, the color of rain, the depth of sunset. Invasion of supersensitivity Just one moment can distinguish ordinary insensitivity from the stream of sensations experienced for the first time, saturated with exquisite energy and new unknown colors. Sensations that expand the range of feeling exponentially. This hypersensitivity comes suddenly as a memory, as an awakening from deep bodily and spiritual amnesia for no apparent reason, without confidence and dignity. The body seems to remember, remembers through pleasure, through pain and fear of losing itself again. This new feeling breaks into the normal state as love invades, as sudden death might come, this feeling is so deep and different that it is difficult to even imagine that tomorrow could be different. The energy moves up, moves down, orange, green, indigo - all this is secondary, because experienceKundalini is, first of all, a shock, a miracle of awakening from oneself, arrogant and humiliated, young or old, defensive and empty, stupid or rational. A shock, after which the acquired experience and wisdom of others dies, like the leaves of years of one’s own history, the understanding of oneself is erased and freedom is born - momentary, impersonal, unnecessary, meaningless, vulnerable and merciless, open like fire. The body suddenly remembers itself, the opportunity to be much more relaxed, fluid, harmonious, remembers the ability to go beyond the boundaries of the physical world and becomes a tangibly intense energy wave. The energetic essence of consciousness falls into place, returns home, restoring that focus, thanks to which the inner and outer world is perceived with all the richness of pleasure, with all the clarity of the present, as if tuning attention to a pure mirror, reflecting every reflection with absolute clarity. The energetic essence of the “ego” switches from judgments to real feelings, is involved with passion in anticipation of discoveries, observing by touch the flow of emotions, vibrations, shades without unnecessary evaluations, without words. And with the purification of perception comes liberation from the previously unconscious tension of unambiguity, comes liberation from the unconscious efforts aimed at filtering and supporting familiar reality, the stereotype of normality, the stereotype of confidence in one’s feelings. And such a change: redirection of life force upward, a sudden multiple increase in its intensity, is subtly connected with the ability to be in the present, actualizing time completely irrationally, reading it magic is careful, only metaphorically, aware of the present as an incredible flow of energy through kinesthetic sensations, easily succumbing and deeply trusting its flow. Free fall from space to space, from moment to new more expanded moment; whirling through changing scenery into the future, delight and fear - the present is outside of time, trust, dissolution in its silence, in boundlessness, dissolution in the very absence of time. Easy movement from the moment and into a more expanded deep moment, expansion to the scale of another dimension, rapid and weightless immersion into each subsequent depth of the reality of the “I” from dream to dream. On the wave of a dizzying movement to the core of its world, the “ego” subtly moves from reflection to source, penetrates layer by layer into space without personality, without property, discovering there pleasure, a deep energetic connection, rooting in unity with the soul of the world. The many faces of kundaliniKundalini. A desire that has changed its vector. A short pleasure transformed into a fantastically deep flow. A moment that turned into a river, full-flowing, living. Trust that creates weightlessness, creating the opportunity to easily rise above your past life. Trust, which creates the opportunity not to get bogged down in words and stereotypes before the solar magic whirlwind takes you to a state of total tenderness, total fire. Of course, there must be some shift from the state of aspiration, unconscious physical and emotional focus on the future to the space of stopping time, to where the physiological dream of immutability, demandingness, acuteness of “I want” will melt and suddenly reveal a reality that largely exceeds this desire itself. From the piercing desire to its core, to its source, moving to a deeper level - and suddenly, the painful, frustrating desire for pleasure becomes weightless aroma, dissolution, carefree and fantastically pleasant flight of a butterfly in another temporary sensory dimension. As if giving up desire, but in fact, only penetrating to its energetic nature, you suddenly feel a rise, an energetic movement to higher layers of reality to where silence merges with light. Striving forward turns into trust as if in vainresistance to the flow of the river of time is replaced by deep dissolution in it, and every vibration of its energy flow becomes pleasure within you. And when the elastic, fluid, fiery world becomes more obvious than solidified forms, the “ego” realizes itself in the moment of absolute merging of the external and internal, opening the way for incredible power to flow freely through open perception. Wave after wave of electrified pleasure, sharp, shocking and melting everything physical, slowly takes over the body, and creates an impossible and strange experience of happiness, an impossible and strange experience of love. Consciousness itself becomes tangible, living real, a warm solar wind that warms the inner world, illuminating the unfamiliar in itself. With the inevitability of spring, consciousness melts away the past mechanicalness of the body, revealing incredible pleasure, incredible pain where before there was nothing but a world of absent sensations bound by stereotypes. Like a chain reaction, every cell of the body becomes infected with hypersensitivity and love of life, becomes infected with jubilation, pleasure, slow flowing, deep, dissolved in the air around, dissolved in a loved one. Refracting through many mirrors of the past, ecstatic kundalini will most likely be remembered with many faces, as if in an instant several worlds of experience happened, several great experiences of pleasure happened. And, even after many, many years, returning to these feelings, opening each of them one after another, you will love again and again, you will experience enlightenment again and again. Magic Wind of the UnknownFeel your spine, try to remember the fantastic pleasure of perceiving the world through its stretched strings. Only by intensively grasping the bodily space through the spinal nerves with attention can you feel with absolute depth how, in fact, self-awareness is greater, more complete than understanding the inner reality through the mind, through reason. By experiencing what is happening through the spinal strings, you will be able to recognize a less distorted, happy, pure psychic reality. You will be able to realize your psyche, yourself as an incredible combination of vibrations, colors, tastes and other sensations inexpressible through metaphors of words, completely unfamiliar, almost unearthly and, at the same time, somehow strangely remembered, as if from a past life. Penetrating your attention with all the intensity into the spinal column, and sensing the world from there, you may feel a strange, energetic, burning presence of the unknown, capturing you like the wind, filled with the sun, filled with magical incredible pleasure. Penetration of consciousness into the trunk of the spine gives that feeling of integrity, unity with the impersonal and wonderful energy world, which cannot be achieved through logic. The movement of the volitional perceiving “I” into the spine is the return of consciousness home, to the real source of comfort, strength, pleasure. Disidentifying from one’s own images, ideas, idealized past and future, the strong-willed “I” receives an incredible charge of fresh energy and gains the freedom to dive into the real source of oneself. The stream of consciousness emerges from its usual banks, instantly filling you with a feeling of perfect relaxation and renewal. Old age, accumulated in the masks and utopias of the “ego,” lets go, frees the soul from its meaningless obligations and hopes. Cause and effect are no longer so tightly linked, every moment is filled with freshness. The present time, perceived through the hypersensitive nerves of the spine, does not move forward, but with a soft flow carries consciousness deeper, opening up new possibilities for an easy, free existence. The miraculous is resurrected on the edge between past and future, enveloping the body in tangible and luminescent silence. Mental exercises aimed at realizing oneself as part of the whole world are, as a rule, superficial, giving only a false idea of ​​​​expanding the boundaries of the “I”. I repeat,that a healthier, truly harmonious, sense of wholeness arises when the feeling of unity with the energetic spiritual world occurs as rooting in it through the nerve strings of the spine. It is with the spine that you can feel the powerful electrifying mystical charge that the Unknown carries, to feel the terrible and happy presence of the spirit nearby, very close, almost inside yourself. This feeling gives the experience of a real deep understanding of life, a meaning that is not invented, not imposed by the role expectations of the social environment and not artificially created through rationalization. This meaning is much greater than such rationalizations, greater than reason itself and greater than the significance of the “ego”. The feeling of such meaning may be fleeting as a flash of insight, but even once experiencing the aroma of transcendence, you will forever change the angle of view on the human personality, on yourself. Such insight comes like an incredible magical whirlwind and mercilessly changes everything, it calls into question all the rational values ​​of the “I” and tears off the petals of yesterday’s role obligations that have not flown around, liberates the body, gives an incredible feeling of renewal, pleasure, freedom. The source of weightlessness Habitual tension as resistance to gravity, the habitual and unconscious direction of the body downwards... But the personality is not tied to the earth in the same way as the body, the soul does not need to be weighty and significant. All that makes up its weight is the past, solidified in stereotypes. The energy flow of kundalini is directed upward to the head with the same self-sufficient outward focus as the seething cheerful bubbles in a glass of champagne. And at this moment, a wonderful intense light in the spine instantly easily concentrates all emotions, all the energy of the will, the energy of the soul and lifts it upward with force, throwing consciousness beyond the limits of the internal attraction of the “ego”. Unbearable lightness, spatial experience of heights, the attraction of space and movement through colored floors of spherical radiance upward, above oneself, above knowledge about oneself. Unbearable pleasure penetrating the head along with a dazzling radiance, along with an incredible unearthly aroma, creating a feeling of absolute freshness, perfect renewal. Absolute attraction of light within oneself, absolute pleasure, movement which is displaced by an internal feeling of firmness, the significance of the personality, encoded in the feeling of weight, heaviness. The burden of obligations and internal authoritarianism of the “ego” is not realized until you compare it with the experiences of lightness inherent in childhood, still formless, free from hardened virtues and role inertia. It seems that the weight evaporates, is redistributed in energy space, spreads in the present, like darkness in morning rays. The heaviness goes away along with tension and emotional blocks. Energy, bright, colorful, intense, moving higher and higher, carries the weight of the body upward. The radiant aroma of kundalini invades, mercilessly penetrates into the core of every hardened bodily sense of self, catches the body in the authentic, concentrating the present time with absolute saturation, densifying, condensing it, making time slow, self-sufficient in every moment, a flow of energy. Time, passionate and magical, hot, intense, ringing with energetic tension - is not a movement from the past to the future, is not the present: saturated, electrified, dense like sea water, time with tenderness and strength envelops and pushes to the surface, giving the surprised soul the opportunity to inhale incredible freshness outside of earthly gravity. The feeling of lightness is associated with the experience of inner light, and kundalini, rising, intensifies the radiance of weightlessness to that absolute brightness that can be accessible to heightened perception. Piercing pleasure strives upward, carrying with it every speck of dust of past thoughts, expectations, demands. Such a moment can contain more revelation than many years of life, the experience itself.