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From the author: An inferiority complex is not a stigma and is not at all a rare phenomenon, but a whole set of restrictions-restraints that do not allow a child and/or an adult to show their best and natural qualities of the soul through the prism imperfect personality. Detection of hidden complexes is an extremely important task, which presupposes further conscious change and control of one’s own nature. Who among us has not experienced at different periods of life a viscous, sticky and humiliating feeling from which we wanted to hide, disappear, fall through the ground. And it arose from our own seemingly absurd appearance, uncertain and angular movements and gait, unnatural behavior and confusion, from malicious and contemptuous grins and giggles directed in his direction, heard after barbs and ridicule. And this surging feeling, stronger than a brazier of hot coals, tormented the soul and wounded the heart, stung the personality, giving birth resentment and accumulating anger. An inferiority complex stitches the fabric of the personality with a thick multi-colored thread. Here you can find dull tones of inconsistencies, gloomy shades of incompetence, spots of inferiority, flashy colors of false shame and permanent guilt. Inferiority, etymologically, not the full value or self-worth of a person, inadequate and insufficient self-esteem with a lack of integrity. In the world of three-dimensional reality this is not surprising , because limited vision plus subjective assessment, which is strongly promoted and implanted into everyday life, does not allow us to see ourselves and accept our multidimensionality in accordance with the real picture. An inferiority complex is not always a neurotic syndrome, as clinical psychology describes it. This is a whole symptom complex that covers moral, physical, aesthetic, sexual, ethnic, class, religious and other spheres of human life. The primary manifestations of this complex are noticeable already in early childhood, and with gradual maturation they intensify and become embedded in the structure of the developing personality. The parental environment is the main one a model for the developing personality of a young child. And how naturally and harmoniously he fits into the worldview of the child, the less noticeable and dominant will be the complexes and restrictions in the sensitive periods of his growing up. Unfortunately, very often a little person finds himself in conditions where the feeling of his own helplessness is aggravated by a feeling of powerlessness, the inability to live freely and make independent decisions. There are many reasons for this and they very clearly indicate the shortcomings of upbringing: inadequate or excessive demands on the child; possessive and consumerist attitude towards one’s child; emphasizing the child’s dependence on his parents; educational authoritarianism and directiveness; pointing out to the child his inferiority or insignificance; delineation of strict boundaries of the child’s personal space; excessive pretentiousness of parents; comparison of personal qualities and abilities of the child in favor of other peers; treating children as a burden; lack of parity in relationships; imposing a set of prohibitions, under pain of punishment; limiting the personal freedom of children; demanding expected behavior from the child; using a common educational model: carrots and sticks; amusement and not taking the child seriously; the habit of lying to children under any plausible pretext; emphasizing the personal superiority of parents over their own by children, intentional or unconscious underestimation of the child’s self-esteem, lack of understanding of the needs of the child’s developing personality, parents shifting the main educational role to kindergartens and schools. These errors in education are inherent to one degree or another in most people, especially at the beginning of their formation as parents. For, unconsciously imitating the educational model of their own parents, young families step on the same painfully striking rake of fatherhood and motherhood. How to untie this centuries-old Gordian knot, which was formed inconditions of denial of the little citizen as a self-conscious and, even more so, spiritual being? The best, in my opinion, way is to recognize the fact that raising and teaching a child in the generally accepted meaning and understanding of this word is unnecessary and even harmful. For teaching presupposes following authority and fulfilling prescribed truths or rules, which have largely become obsolete or, even worse, deliberately prevent little creators from syncretically cognizing the world in its holistic diversity. Also, “sociocultural normative models” of education hardly serve as a model for individual development of today's children, but rather “adjust” them to a certain social standard. It is necessary to allow children to simply be, absorbing life lessons in accordance with their own intentions and desires, offering various opportunities to learn independently. And there are examples of such an alternative model of child development, different from the generally accepted pedagogical one , and it has more than once proven its validity and effectiveness to the public. The Montessori pedagogical system, the Shchetinin school, as well as Waldorf pedagogy, having absorbed many of the best ideas of the past and offering innovative models of the educational and developmental process in the current conditions, also serve as a model and legacy for self-educational skills of future generations. But in any case, no one has canceled personal responsibility and the basics of education need to be mastered by everyone who takes on the parental role. To do this, it is necessary to take a broader look at the educational process and consciously take in the following information. I think that already many have accepted the fact of their own repeated coming into this world, or at least admit this possibility. And if so, then we only need to allow us to remember the rules of the game on planet Earth, according to our own plans, interests and preferences, while maintaining all the main value guidelines based on the three main laws of the universe: the law of Free Will (Freedom of Choice), the law of Non-Harming and the law of Love. Preparing for the next earthly journey, a person carefully plans and chooses his own parents, in case of sufficient development of the soul, or this choice is made bilaterally according to the law of attraction. In any case, allowing his children to be navigators in early childhood, when the waves of life are still too large and sometimes dangerous for a small traveler to overcome on their own, leaving the captain’s supervision behind them, their parents endow them with responsibility - the most important component of their emerging individuality. Thus, a small personality who has not yet lost touch with the knowing soul, but wholly trusts his native mentors and guardians, develops in proportion to the need to master life programs. This is how little citizens learn to learn life lessons, without unnecessary guardianship, pressure and excessive pressure and pressure in the most convenient and comfortable way for them. In order to achieve such mutual understanding and not be a source of children's complexes, it is important: to love your surround the child with tenderness, care and sensitivity; be sincere and natural in relationships; always listen to children’s interests and needs; learn to accept and understand their point of view, no matter what it is; never compare them with anyone or evaluate them; encourage children’s creativity in any possible form; allow the child to participate on an equal basis; in all family and collective events, replace demands on children with their voluntarily taken personal responsibility, never use pressure, threats, blackmail and other methods of manipulation, do not brush off their requests, using various excuses, respect the personal space of a small individual, instill and cultivate an ethical and aesthetic perception of life, never deceive or talk half-truth, always and in everything, provide freedom of choice, do not punish, because on-kaz (Ukr. kazati - to speak) is a slander or energetic negative impact (damaging the etheric double