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We spend 80% of our lives at work. It would be nice to wake up in the morning and joyfully think: “Get to work!” Of course, everything never goes smoothly anywhere. In life you have to overcome something, put up with something, solve difficult issues and situations. But how great it is to be filled with a feeling of satisfaction from the result obtained. And to receive an adequate monetary reward…….!!!!!!!!!!!“………..people, as a rule, consider happiness as something like an instantaneous flash, something that can suddenly appear in their life like good weather, if you're very lucky. However, happiness arises in a completely different way. This is nothing more than a consequence of working on yourself. We must fight for happiness, strive for it, persist, and sometimes even embark on a journey to the other side of the world in search of it. Take a constant part in achieving your own happiness. And having approached the state of bliss, make mighty efforts to forever move upward on the wave of happiness, to stay afloat” Elizabeth Gilbert So, finding your place in life will also require an investment of strength. First, you need to give yourself the opportunity to get to know yourself: your capabilities, abilities, inclinations, pros and cons. And then direct yourself to achieve well-being and satisfaction with yourself and your life. Professional guidance will help you with this. Diagnosis of three aspects: Intellectual abilities that are necessary to perform a particular activity. Professional preferences. Personal characteristics. Thanks to what personal qualities can you be successful in a particular area of ​​activity? For example: Masha has good mathematical abilities and her mother wants her to go to study to become an accountant (one can understand her mother - a good profession for women, although not only for women.) But characterological features indicate that the person is not assiduous. Therefore, a good specialist will not work. She may be successful in a completely different area. A better understanding of yourself, your capabilities and abilities will quickly lead to finding your place in life. Sign up for a consultation +7 952 858 0 588