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How to avoid disappointment in a relationship by knowing just one secret. “How I want him to just listen to me!” But he doesn’t listen and immediately runs to help.” “I need help! And she lectures and teaches how to live, I know it myself!” “I want tenderness, romance, affection, but just give him sex.” “I thought we would be close friends, but he is always buried in his books, writing his dissertation. “I wanted to travel around the whole world together, conquer mountain peaks, fly in a hot air balloon and dive into the depths of the ocean, but he lies on the couch in his games and is not interested in anything.” I regularly hear stories from the lives of ordinary people in my psychologist’s office. All these stories are united by one feeling - disappointment in relationships! Why do we so often become disappointed in other people and in relationships in general? The answer is simple, when entering into a relationship with another person, we have no idea and do not know who he really is! We have our own ideas about what kind of relationship should be, we expect certain behavior from our partner. But for some reason our partner is in no hurry to meet our ideas about him and the relationship, and as a result of our unfulfilled expectations, disappointment sets in! Therefore, before entering into a close, trusting relationship with a person, it would be nice to understand WHO HE IS!? A PERSON’S APPEARANCE or, scientifically speaking, constitutional-genetic make-up can help us with this. In the next series of posts, I want to understand this topic with you. So let’s begin! The entire history of human existence tells us about an attempt to find out what are the similarities or differences between one person and another. How to easily and quickly determine what kind of “fruit” is, that is, the person in front of us. How to find an approach to this or that person. How to negotiate, interest, get closer or move away. In short, how to build a relationship without problems. There are many classifications: by appearance, by body structure, by character typology, by date of birth, by tendency to certain mental, somatic diseases or other characteristics. Almost every culture has classifications of people according to external characteristics. For example, the ancient Hindus came to the idea that there are people who differ in their abilities, and divided everyone into castes: Brahmins - teachers, Kshatriyas - warriors, Vaishyas - sociable, Shudras - without special abilities. In the east, about 3000 years ago, Chinese and Indian medicine began to interact with Tibetan medicine. According to the teachings of Tibet, there are five main elements in nature: ether, earth, fire, air, water. All these elements are present in the human body in different combinations and form the framework of his vital energy. According to Ayurveda, the teachings of India, people are divided according to the type of constitution into 3 types according to doshas: Vata, Pita, Kappa. The Sanskrit word "dosha" means that which disturbs balance. The Vata type is dominated by ether + water, Pitta fire + water, Kapha water + earth. Chinese teaching distinguishes 3 types: mucus (water + earth), bile (fire + water), wind (air + ether). There is a division of people according to signs zodiac - astrology, by the hillocks on the palm - palmistry, by handwriting - graphology, by the structure of the skull, etc. In Europe, doctors and psychoanalysts also tried to classify people by body type. There have been attempts to describe human behavior as normal or pathological. Aristotle said that a person is part of a system: a clan, a people, a family. But I would like to dwell in more detail on the views of Kretschmer. Kretschmer made a significant contribution to the doctrine of the constitutional genetic characteristics of the individual. Based on the study of “major mental illnesses,” he established the idea that there is a correlation between the characteristics of the somatotype (body structure) and the risk of schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis or epilepsy. Kretschmer identified 3 types of body structure, which he called: 1. Asthenic2. Athletic3. Picnic Analyzing the structure of the body and face, the author draws attention to the following points. The first asthenic type represents from: +79503117621