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Loss of the ability to experience pleasure is also called anhedonia. This condition causes severe psychological discomfort. The world around becomes gray and lifeless, nothing arouses interest, and a person is overcome by a feeling of spiritual emptiness. This emptiness gradually displaces all emotions and impressions, everything that used to please and captivate. The person plunges into despair and powerlessness. Attempts to fill this emptiness with external events (entertainment, travel, new acquaintances, etc.) fail. Another manifestation of anhedonia is the loss of motivation. A person does not want to do anything due to lack of interest in anything. Including things that previously pleased him, such as communication with friends, hobbies, sex, etc. Days become similar to each other, monotony and monotony settle in life. Anhedonia is often accompanied by emotional fatigue, that is, a person gets bored with everything very quickly. A long stay in a state of anhedonia leads to the loss of social connections. This is due to the fact that a person loses interest in communication, does not want to meet with friends, and the destruction of relationships does not upset him too much. He plunges into a state of isolation and isolation. Sometimes he may have a need for new acquaintances, but they also disappoint him very quickly. Reasons for losing the ability to enjoy life: - Somatic. They may be associated with various diseases or hormonal disorders, in particular with disturbances in the production and absorption of dopamine, the hormone of joy. In this case, you cannot do without qualified medical care. - Associated with certain psychological characteristics of the individual. This may include a tendency to take on excessive responsibility, blame oneself for all misfortunes, the habit of living for the sake of fulfilling other people’s desires, perfectionism, which does not allow one to enjoy what has been achieved, etc. - Associated with difficult life circumstances. This could be a psychologically unprocessed stressful situation, a serious illness, the loss of a significant person or significant relationship, a long stay in an environment that is emotionally depressing, a life in an overly stressful rhythm that led to emotional burnout. - Depression, which has already begun to negatively affect character traits and a person’s worldview. - Low social and educational level. Psychological help for anhedonia. If a psychological disorder is caused by hormonal disorders, then you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe medication. In this case, psychotherapy can only be carried out simultaneously with medical help. If the causes of anhedonia are psychological in nature, then an effective solution would be to consult a psychologist. First of all, a specialist will help determine the internal reasons for the loss of the ability to enjoy life. This determines the further course of treatment. If difficulties are caused by a person’s personal characteristics, such as low self-esteem, excessive responsibility, feelings of guilt, etc., then work is carried out to correct these conditions. If anhedonia is provoked by difficult life circumstances, then a thorough analysis of the current situation is carried out and a search for optimal ways out of it is carried out. If a person suffers from a depressive disorder, then further work depends on the severity of this psychological disorder. In some cases, psychological help will be sufficient, and in others, medical treatment, which can be effectively combined with psychotherapy, is indispensable. It should be remembered that drug therapy only helps to get rid of the symptoms of anhedonia. And you can eliminate its cause and regain the meaning of life by working with a psychologist. A qualified specialist will help you explore your feelings, rediscover lost desires and interests, and learn to find joy in every day you live. Thank you for your interest in my publications!!!Get