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From the author: “Religion and science are two wings with the help of which human thinking soars to heights and the human soul develops. It is impossible to fly on one wing: if someone tried to fly on only one wing of religion, he would soon fall into the swamp of prejudices, but if someone tried to fly on one wing of science, then he too would not move forward, but fell into the hopeless quagmire of materialism.” Quality of life and spirituality. Spirituality is revealed through a system of values, both of a specific person and of any society and culture, such as goodness, ideals, justice, meaning, hope, love, happiness, which determine the direction of spiritual human efforts, express their depth and intensity, have a regulatory influence on the formation of people’s motives for their behavior and actions. Spirituality is an integrative, system-forming factor in the quality of life and social quality in general. The main thing in this definition is the ability of spirituality to be a meaning-forming principle in a person’s life, without the presence and development of which a conversation about the quality of life turns into a race to achieve more and more comfort, regardless of the goals of such achievement. There are several cultures regarding the quality of life and the requirements for quality. They are determined by the norms of spirituality that are accepted in the society that carries this culture. The last thing I would like to do is to contrast one culture with another, focusing on the difference in approaches to what is considered necessary to achieve a certain quality of life. I find it more useful to consider the place of spirituality in a person’s life, focusing on the “vertical”: individual - community - humanity. There is a definition of quality of life as “an integral qualitative characteristic of people’s lives, revealing in relation to society as a whole the criteria for its life activity, life support conditions, as well as the conditions for the viability of society as an integral social organism.” The modern development of humanity is at such a high stage of development of material means and achieving the quality of goods and services, that the concept of quality as a standard has firmly entered into all spheres of human life. This includes the quality of health, the quality of education, the quality of well-being, the quality of consumption, the quality of culture and the use of free time, and the quality of the environment. The influence of spirituality on the quality of life can be understood in different senses: a) in a narrow sense - the influence of spirituality on the quality of life of a particular individual; in a broad sense - its influence on the quality of life of large and separated communities of people (organizations, corporations, communities) engaged in production, that which is the bearer of the quality attribute, that is, the producers of the goods. c) and in a comprehensive way - the influence of spirituality on the quality of life of all humanity as a whole, as a species, and its ability not only to survive in the conditions of the reality given to it, but also to his constant progress and advancement along the path of both external (material) and internal (spiritual and moral) development. Mass production, which has given rise to global competition, has forced us to take a special approach to quality as an economic category. At the same time, technological progress, population growth on the planet, widespread education, and changes in the environmental situation have forced humanity to look at the category of quality differently. A person is faced with the fact that simply improving the quality of goods and services in themselves does not lead to an automatic increase in the quality of life in general, as a category that describes satisfaction with one’s life. What is this high quality of life that the happy owners of this very life give up at their own request? It is precisely such a simple indicator of satisfaction with the quality of life as the suicide rate, that is, the actual denial of any of its value, that shows that absolute indicators of the quality of products andthe level of their consumption alone does not provide satisfaction with the quality of life. It is the economically developed countries, whose efforts are aimed at achieving an ever-increasing standard of living, an ever-higher level of material achievements and savings in this indicator, that are far ahead. When it comes to the quality of life, things are usually quite material, describing the achievement, or failure to achieve, a certain level of quality of material life. Immorality, like the lack of spiritual education, is the main factor hindering not only the achievement of a certain quality of life at the individual level, but also, to a certain extent, deprives the individual of the ability to take advantage of the opportunities that this high level provides. The underdevelopment of the sphere of meaning at the individual level also gives rise to the inability not only to evaluate, but to organize the achievement of a certain quality of life by a person. If we take the balance model in positive psychotherapy, then there are four spheres of cognition: body, activity, contacts, and meaning (fantasies). The place of the last sphere is quite definite and legitimized. What we now have to deal with at the individual level is the underdevelopment and undisclosedness of the sphere of meaning, namely, due to undereducation in the field of spirituality. It is this imbalance that does not allow a person to understand the meaning of complex social changes in life, both in our society and in humanity as a whole. The lack of spiritual vision, based on such basic concepts as the concept of a person’s vision, his path, purpose, the meaning of his life, it would seem Such abstract and distant topics from everyday life completely deprive his everyday, routine life of meaning. While it is spiritual vision that is the driving force that makes a person move along the path of internal spiritual progress in everyday life and realize his whole life as a chain of serious tests pushing him and leading to spiritual development. Broadly speaking, at the organizational level, several trends can be considered. On the one hand, there is a tendency towards monopolization of large companies and transnational concerns, whose economic wealth sometimes exceeds the resources of entire states. Large companies strive to expand their zones of influence and exploit their workers in order to achieve greater benefits. Following these trends, with the growth of power and strength of such companies, the exploitation of the labor of their workers should, in theory, reach a maximum, since, using their power, they could steadily increase it. However, there is another trend around the world that is receiving increasing attention. This is following moral laws, when caring for its employees plays a certain role in the life of a huge enterprise. According to reports, the largest companies invest huge amounts of money in the development of infrastructure to ensure the quality of life of their employees. Schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, kindergartens are built, insurance is paid, vacations are increased. Because here the laws of moral behavior of an organization in relation to its employee and economic benefit come together. It's simply not profitable to not take care of your employee. And according to moral and spiritual standards, a new type of organization is gradually emerging. Thriving multinational companies serving the global market, which no longer call themselves American, Japanese or European. They consider themselves global enterprises, strive to go beyond the national level, try to achieve higher standards of quality, both in their goods and services, and in their lives workers. The success of such production monsters in our age of increasing globalization depends on how interested and dedicated its employees and workers are to their work. How well do they balance the desire to learn new skills and improve with respect for the views and approaches of others?participants in the production process. For such companies it is very important to act as a single and well-coordinated team, an optimally organized, holistic organism. Therefore, an essential feature of such an enterprise is the absence of prejudice at the organizational level. Such as national, racial, gender, as well as any others that contradict the moral attitude of the organization towards people. A new management model inevitably arises, which includes spiritual universal values, in accordance with the increasing level of maturity of humanity and taking into account the emerging world market. An integral part of such an enterprise should be a balance of material and spiritual values, including attention to the needs of others, awareness of the importance of each participant in the work, tolerance for other opinions, the ability to cooperate and care for others. Outside of these standards, no large enterprise will be able to achieve the quality it strives for. On the one hand, the demands of the time complicate the task of organizations, forcing them to move from simply providing their members with profit, to accepting real responsibility to their employees, customers, suppliers, and, in a broad sense, to the entire society. On the other hand, the very concept of an enterprise is expanding, where in addition to structure, hierarchy, an uninterrupted chain of commands and checks, the organization also incorporates other aspects, such as values, ethical standards, obligations, culture, style. A new, spiritually oriented corporate culture teaches organizations and enterprises to sacrifice material benefits in order to maintain high standards of these aspects of the corporate life of the enterprise and organization. Even fully confident that such morally oriented corporate behavior will not bring material benefits in the future, such enterprises continue to survive in this essentially spiritual conflict between the awareness of the need to instill in the world new deeply human traditions in production, on the one hand, and the strict requirements of the previous ones. traditions focused only on improving the quality of goods, on the other. However, it is precisely the possession of a deeply moral vision of the processes occurring in the economy, based on the spiritual requirements of observing certain obligations of one person to another and efforts to fulfill spiritual laws, both at the individual and corporate level, that allows a new type of production to be confident that it will survive over time namely, a new style of economic relations, focused not on competition and enrichment of some at the expense of others, but on cooperation and a more equal distribution of material resources. It is already clear that the quality of life achieved by a progressive technocratic society is a dead end, and its inconsistency is proven by those events in the world where a person, betting on material things, misses the actual meaning and spiritual content of technical progress and scientific development. This type of development of a relationship with reality cannot give worthy results, because only understanding the spiritual laws of development of the material world will help humanity come to peace, cooperation and progress in achieving a higher quality of life. Considering the meaning of spirituality for people in a comprehensive sense, we have to admit, that only the adherence of all humanity, as a single species, to the spiritual laws given to it at different times by God, and which formed the basis of all its development, can lead to the achievement of a decent quality of life. Spirituality is not only an attempt to understand the meaning of the existence of oneself, as a specific individual, called to go through a long path of internal spiritual development during this life and entire existence, but also the ability to realize the life of all humanity as a continuous spiritual advancement along which he is given to go . Along the way from an animal that is practically unaware of itself, owning nothing, and engaged only in its survival, to a creature that understands.