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This article is devoted to reflections on the nature of Dependence. And I start with definitions from Dahl’s dictionary: DEPEND on what, on whom, to be under power, under complete influence, to be in whose will; be the result of a known cause. Dependent, dependent. Dependence, the state of the dependent. FREEDOM, one's own will, space, the opportunity to act in one's own way; absence of constraint, bondage, slavery, subordination to someone else's will. Freedom is a comparative concept; it can relate to a private, limited expanse, related to a certain matter, or to different degrees of this scope, and finally to complete, unbridled arbitrariness or self-will. Freedom of thought, irresponsibility for your thoughts and beliefs. Freedom of speech, permission to express one’s thoughts. And definitions from the point of view of psychology: Psychological freedom lies in the ability of an individual to make a conscious choice of the direction of actions, lifestyle, etc. Most often, such a choice is made with the help of a person’s volitional efforts. Conscious choice presupposes the presence of responsibility for one’s decision. At the moment, there is no single recognized definition of Psychological dependence in the scientific literature. But we will try to find it, starting from the definition of freedom and dictionary definitions of dependence. So, this is a state when the choice of decisions and behavior is automatic, uniform and dictated, as a rule, not by a person’s own will, but by an object of dependence (that which one depends on), and also, in contrast to psychological freedom, is characterized by a lack of responsibility for one’s decisions. These definitions are not generally accepted and the only correct ones (they reflect the author’s view of the phenomena under study). The antagonism of Dependency is Freedom. But who can say where freedom ends and dependence begins, or vice versa? Is it possible to be completely free from everyone and everything? These questions may seem philosophical, but in this article we will begin to think about the answers from a psychological point of view. So, when does Addiction become a problem that needs to be solved? Most likely, when there are consequences and the results are unsatisfactory, disturbing, stopping... and ultimately destructive. And most importantly, these consequences must be noticeable for the person who depends (the dependent)! In order to change your life, you need to understand where to start. An objection is possible here: “The fact that Dependency becomes a problem is mainly noticeable from the outside; a person dependent on something, as a rule, does not admit that he has difficulties!” Someone caring and observant can always be nearby, and he will say: “Ah-ah-ah, you are already without ........ You can’t live, you’re addicted!” (You can replace these dots with any noun). Will he, the caring one, be right? Or does everyone evaluate Dependency subjectively, based on their experience, cultural family attitudes? Based on these questions, one of the interesting topics for further reflection arises: Healthy manifestations of Dependency or When Dependency is a necessary part of development and life. Self-research task: DEPENDENCE FREEDOM________________________________|_______________________________ (Colors in this coordinate system do not carry a certain semantic load, they only emphasize the opposite of the qualities being studied). The extreme right point denotes the maximum level of freedom, from everyone and everything (including from values, conventions, laws, attachments, etc.). Extreme the left dot denotes an extreme form of dependence, where it is impossible to live without what one is dependent on (at least according to a subjective feeling). Try to put yourself as a point on this scale; naturally, you should do this only in relation to a certain area of ​​life, without generalizing. When you put this point, ask yourself a question (especially if it is close to one of the poles),.