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Setting goals and striving to achieve them often gives meaning to our lives, while providing a sense of consistency - if, of course, these intentions correspond to our inner desires. Today I am taking a tray on a topic in which I will describe how to choose the right direction, life goal. However, only in the next posts we will look at what to do in order to be consistent executors of all long-term plans. The system does not want you to find your goal. It often happens that we cannot find something for ourselves that will give meaning to our actions and bring satisfaction in life for many years to come. This condition can often be caused by an underdeveloped consciousness, which, overloaded with useless terabytes of information from the outside, deprives a person of the natural opportunity to develop in a certain direction. Real desires and goals are often simply obscured, but the dominant patterns are social, religious and cultural rules dictated by the system. “Study, you will have a good job in the future,” “Become a doctor, because in this field you can earn a lot of money and gain respect.” , “Work hard and diligently” - all these texts are not the voice of the people. This is the vile whisper of a cold system that doesn’t care about your well-being, much less your personal happiness. The world has achieved such technological and civilizational progress that almost everyone blindly believed that man is just an individual who should waste his potential and health on a shadow being who unquestioningly agrees with the role imposed by society. Schools that do not teach us creativity develop passion and financial intelligence, fill our heads with empty knowledge that essentially needs to be uprooted in order to forget about it almost forever. All this in order to keep the system in check and create another correctly functioning element of the matrix from a person who will not notice his true predispositions all his life and who, tired of a job that he sincerely hates, will never have the strength and time to achieve what he wants goals. Much could be written on this topic, but I think that for now I have conveyed the initial picture of the topic at hand. Everyone is created for something We already know why and how we get distracted from our original goals. In general, it turns out that we cannot believe in our own strengths and individual predispositions that would make us successful people in the field in which we are passionate. I believe that every person has a certain set of natural qualities and skills that can allow them to achieve different goals within certain limits. Your true goal will always be what works for your happiness, not for someone else's success. Either way, it's something you're naturally good at, or something that just attracts you and you know it can give you satisfaction and pleasure. If you feel like you can do something better than someone else... then another, and you are annoyed by the way someone does it, it can become a determining factor in what you could do in your life. Let's say you're not a chef yet, but you don't like the dishes as they are presented in a restaurant in your city. You realize you could make these dishes much better. You may be disgusted with sitting in a training room of business professionals, realizing that some things need to be presented differently or that some information is simply missing. It is also possible that as a painter, admiring the work of other artists in exhibitions and galleries, you see a uniqueness in your paintings, which, however, you do not have the courage to present to the general public. There are, of course, an endless number of such examples. Find inspiration in other people However, people can also be our source of inspiration and role models. When we meet a person who is excellent in a field that interests us, we can experience sincere admiration and an overwhelming desire to realize ourselves in this profession in a similar way.level. Such an impulse, dictated by the emergence of the realization that there is someone who is doing something so exciting and motivating with great success that it must be the best job in the world! The legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger, known to everyone, after seeing the cover of the magazine with Steve Reeves flexed his incredible muscles like the movie Hercules, vowing that if he could, nothing would stop him from achieving the same. Schwarzenegger, having before his eyes an example of a person who had achieved success, was confident that such a goal was possible and achievable, although everyone around him told him, like a mantra, that there was no chance of this. The Austrian idol changed his worldview and gave impetus to big changes. He grew up from a small town to become a seven-time Mr. Olympia. Olympia (a title achieved at the world's most prestigious bodybuilding competition of the same name) to later achieve impressive success as a Hollywood actor and then launch a major political career. Personally, I got into coaching because I was frustrated by the weak approach to this or, at least, a very responsible job, among many non-professional pseudo-coaches who still had a certain group of loyal admirers and had their own constant share in the market. However, my main inspiration was my psychology teacher - he created a harmonious image of a professional person doing what he loved. While lecturing, he exuded passion and dedication to his craft, teaching in a fun but very effective manner. It was then that I realized that I wanted to do something similar in my life because I felt that it would be an activity that would allow me to use my innate predispositions and fulfill the inner desires that came straight from my soul. Your soul knows what to It's betterFeelings are incredibly important for setting goals. I am convinced that there is nothing more accurate than making decisions in accordance with the feelings of the heart. Sometimes our minds can limit our true emotions, not giving them any say at all. The rationalism of the mind can very effectively destroy our creative element and irrevocably kill our life goals. What a big mistake I made when I went to electrical engineering school because I thought that as a qualified electrician I would find a well-paid job. It turned out, however, that one cannot do well what does not attract me in any way. I spent a lot of time and effort studying topics that didn't interest me at all - from assembling a transformer to studying sinusoidal graphs of three-phase current. The profession of an electrician, although relatively well paid, was clearly not my real goal. Many, as before, do not fully listen to their emotions, being guided only by the rigid logic of the mind. Blind as a moth flying towards the light at night, he burned in the light of the fire. If we make consistent decisions in which our gut feelings play a key role, we have a chance of finding a goal that's right for us. Ask Yourself It's a good idea to ask yourself the right questions when you're looking for your goal. “What is my purpose in life?” By focusing on such problems, our consciousness will become more sensitive when processing information from the outside world. Questions addressed to our “I” excite all the senses, which seem to register events that can point us to the answer. This is a very effective method, and I sincerely encourage you to try it. If you are looking for the right direction, ask yourself questions like these every morning, afternoon and evening - mentally, on paper or saying them out loud. The answer will come to you tomorrow, in a week, or maybe in several dozen months, but it will definitely come. So - “Ask and you will find” - there is a lot of truth in these historical words. Discover new opportunities When searching for a goal, it is worth getting acquainted with things that we have never encountered before. Find new opportunities - meet new people or join long-lost ones.