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Just the other day, on Facebook, a whole “war” broke out over the fact that one of the psychologists sued her former client for libel. The client wrote a negative review about her, which the psychologist did not like. To be honest, at first I also joined in accusing the psychologist, saying how could she do this, because this is a violation of ethics... After all, she has a lot of different information about the client, which means that the positions are not equal from the very beginning... It’s true that- that stopped me from liking the publication and commenting on this topic. I read negative reviews about this psychologist from several people on different resources. And it seems like yes, this is definitely not a white and fluffy psychologist... But... But having delved into what angry clients were writing, I suddenly realized that not everything is so simple. I read it, thought about it, but wrote an article about something else: just wait, I’ll get divorced soon... And then? And then, I thought, how would I feel if they wrote a negative review about me... And not just negative, but not corresponding to reality. And... And with that I went to bed. Already on the way to work, I went to my Facebook page and under this very article, which I shared on Facebook, I saw: To say that I was in a stupor is to say nothing. It is not possible to answer her or go to her page because she blocked me. And this despite the fact that not only has this woman never been my client, but we don’t know her at all. Someone may think that someone who was my real client is hiding behind her, but I can say with confidence that I have never had so many, let’s say, strange clients. My friends came to her page on Facebook and VK, because they also became interested in what kind of woman she was who wrote negative reviews for one reason that was clear to her. After she wrote to me in the comments, what you see is that she changed the photo. And today she changed it again), just some kind of Agent 007... And this is her comment in one of the groups on VK, though not about me: On VK and FB, the names are different, they found it from the photo)) What I felt when I saw her negative feedback on me is anger! Yes, exactly anger. Psychologists are also living people and, like everyone else, they have the right to feel anger. What else? And also misunderstanding. Lack of understanding of what she needs from me and what to actually do about it if she really moves on and writes negative things somewhere else. That's how quickly answers to questions happen) Just in the evening, I wondered how I would feel if they wrote a negative review about me, divorced from reality, and the answer did not take long to arrive... And how would you feel? Unless, of course, you’re afraid of how I can get an answer from the universe in the same form as me)))) And what should you really do with this when the review is really from a person you don’t even know? ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................... With respect to your journey, Elena Denisenko Bravitskaya - clinical psychologist, art therapist, body oriented therapist, spiritual practitioner.