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From the author: An article written as a cross-section of modern schools and teachers, mentors who preach a spiritual way of life, but nevertheless do not always have a highly moral and deep spiritual core...Gaze , facing the sky or into the void The whole appearance is like... flint, monolith And wisdom, the truth he comprehended this and that And the smiley face on his chest reads: “Cosmopolitan” The age of Kali’s transition to Satya explodes the soil of materiality with spiritual shoots even in those places where nothing contributes to them appearance. The Age of the South is a stubborn fact and you can’t argue with it... From Internet tabloids, television screens, book covers, newspaper and magazine pages, thousands of Enlightened Masters of Life are looking at us and calling out to us, broadcasting and warning, showing us where and how to move in search of happiness... And, it would seem, here is the approaching Golden Age of truth and purity looming with images of saints and enlightened, profound and wise ones. The evolution of consciousness is in an uncontrollable hurry to dispel the fog of ignorance with the rays of the rising sun of knowledge. Everyone and everything is in anticipation of grandiose events and transformations... You just need to start living in in accordance with... a loud and instructive external or an inviting and silent internal voice, indicating the right path to follow. But how to choose exactly what is in tune with the internal need to know and understand and the external urge to live consciously and joyfully? How not to get lost in the tunnels of fate, led by the invisible and mysterious interweavings of life scenarios? How to find your guiding star of happiness? And can a person, with his own powers, clear away the rubble of the subconscious, explore the dark dungeons of the unconscious, become conscious, soaring spiritually? The current age of guru-mania, of course, cannot but attract followers to the ranks many, many thirsting for enlightenment and spiritual guidance. And everything would be fine if not for one small but very significant detail. In almost all cases of spiritual teaching, there is an internal motivating dominant of following the leader, mentor, guru. It would seem that there is nothing supernatural or unusual in this, especially due to existing views and stereotypes. However, now is a historical time that is changing this outdated paradigm to a new vision on a planetary scale. There is an urgent need to take responsibility for your life and destiny and follow your own programs, goals, attitudes and preferences of the soul. This does not at all imply ignoring or alienation in acceptance information flows that rapidly expand the boundaries of the cognizable. But this is a different concept, presupposing free will and the absence of any kind of dependence and manipulation. This is a different interpretation of reality through the prism of revelations and comprehension of one’s spiritually multidimensional essence, not constrained by the limitations of religions, theories, doctrines, sectarianism. To learn to differentiate the coming information, you must at least tune in to gain knowledge, with the firm intention of receiving the expected answer in the form that is most acceptable to your ability to distinguish and interpret, and at maximum: stop identifying yourself with the individual and his desires, realize that “I”, the ego is only part of the greater Spiritual “I” develop sense-knowledge thanks to the evolution of the senses, learn to distinguish between the lower mind of desire and the higher abstract mind, establish contact with the Soul, form an unhindered connection Spirit - Soul - Personality, integrate the personality with the Soul. If you have already accomplished all this, then you can rightfully classify yourself as a cohort of Masters. If not, then you have a very interesting life ahead, in which you will have many discoveries and comprehension of your essence thanks to various sources of knowledge. In any case, you should not give your power to anyone just because of “greater truth, authority, significance or importance.” YOU yourself are creators and transformers, sculptors and creators. When choosing an appropriate model of study and self-comprehension for yourself, do not